


How to set VM arguments for Jetty run from maven-jetty-plugin?

例如,我需要传递 -Xmx Jetty运行的参数由 mvn jetty:run 命令运行。

For example, I need to pass -Xmx arguments to Jetty run by the mvn jetty:run command.


环境变量MAVEN_OPTS 就是答案。 MAVEN_OPTS的字符串内容传递给JVM(java.exe)。

The enviroment variable MAVEN_OPTS is the answer. The string content of MAVEN_OPTS is passed to JVM (java.exe).

  • Linux:在shell类型 export MAVEN_OPTS = ....

  • Windows:在shell(cmd.exe)中输入设置MAVEN_OPTS = ...

  • Linux: in shell type export MAVEN_OPTS=....
  • Windows: in shell (cmd.exe) type set MAVEN_OPTS=...

例如:在Windows上设置MAVEN_OPTS = - Xmx1024m将Maven进程的堆大小设置为1024mb。

For example: on Windows set MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx1024m" sets the heap size of the Maven process to 1024mb.


Update (01.04.2013): Pass it directly to Jetty.

Matthew Farwell(请点击给予他信任)附带解决方案使用分叉的JVM进程来运行Jetty,这是。这是一个更好的解决方案,因为前者在与Maven相同的JVM进程内运行(因此共享内存)。

Matthew Farwell (please upvote his answer to give him credit) comes with the solution of using a forked JVM process to run Jetty which is a new feature of the Jetty plugin. This is a better solution as the former runs inside same JVM process as Maven (thus shares memory).


08-06 08:17