

我有一个运行Jenkins的节点,该节点使用maven构建代码. Jenkins作业是一个声明性管道脚本. Maven需要从需要证书才能访问的私有存储库中下载依赖项.凭据存储在Jenkins凭据管理器中.

I have a node running Jenkins that builds code with maven. The Jenkins job is a declarative pipeline script. Maven needs to download dependencies from private repositories which require credentials to access. The credentials are stored in the Jenkins credential manager.


How can I pass these credentials to maven so that maven can correctly download dependencies from private repos using these credentials.



By injecting Jenkins credentials into your environment, and then passing those credentials to maven, you can access private repos using Jenkins credentials.


  1. 如果还没有创建一对新的Jenkins凭证(我正在使用id"test-creds")
  2. 使用该问题的说明:如何通过环境变种.在需要凭据的maven命令周围,使用"withCredentials"块.然后将这些凭据传递给Maven.
  1. Create a new pair of Jenkins credentials if you haven't already (I am using the id "test-creds")
  2. Using the instructions from this question : How to pass Maven settings via environmental vars. Around the maven command that requires the credentials, use a "withCredentials" block. And then pass those credentials in to maven.
    withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'test-creds', passwordVariable: 'PASSWORD_VAR', usernameVariable: 'USERNAME_VAR')])
        sh 'mvn clean install -Dserver.username=${USERNAME_VAR} -Dserver.password=${PASSWORD_VAR}'
  1. 在您的 settings.xml 文件中,引用以下变量:
  1. In your settings.xml file, reference these variables:
  1. 如果需要指定settings.xml文件,则可以在maven命令中使用-s-gs标志.
  1. If you need to specify a settings.xml file, you can use the -s or -gs flag in your maven command.


08-06 08:13