func getPosts(){
POST_REF.observeEventType(.Value,withBlock: {$ snapshot中的$ b guard让posts = snapshot.value as?[String:[String:String]] else {
print(No Posts Found)
for(postID,post)in posts {
let newPost = Post.initWithPostID(postID,postDict:post)!
} ,withCancelBlock:{
仅为数组使用 reverse()不足以涵盖所有内容。你需要考虑的事情有很多: 限制数据检索时,使用 append()然后反向()来节省时间。您不必每次都删除所有数组。
$ b
让我们开始吧。您可以为您的帖子 timestamp 或日期/时间创建一个子项为全局。为了提供像 Instagram 秒,我建议您使用 UTC时间。所以我会打电话给这个:( timeUTC )
要排序所有文章,请使用 since1970 时间戳。所以我会调用这个( timestamp ),然后你可以保留另一个节点为(reversedTimestamp)添加 - 时间戳的前缀。所以当你使用 queryOrdered 这个节点。您可以使用 yourQuery.queryLimited(toFirst:5)
在Swift 3中获取timeUTC节点的UTC日期/时间:
let date = Date()
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.locale = Locale(identifier:en_US_POSIX)
formatter.dateFormat =yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss ZZZ
formatter.timeZone = TimeZone(缩写:UTC)
let utcTimeZoneStr = formatter.string(from:date)
+0000表示现在是世界时,请看 http://time.is/tr/UTC
2.自从1970年以来在Swift 3中对帖子进行排序的时间戳:
let timestamp =(Date()。timeIntervalSince1970 as NSString).doubleValue
let reversedTimestamp = -1.0 * timestamp
timestamp: 1475858019.2306
timeUTC:2012-02-04 12:11:56 +0000
timestamp: 1475858010.1245
timeUTC:2014-02-04 12:11:56 +0000
我将通过五个邮箱检索五个邮件,所以我在 viewDidLoad
中使用 queryLimited(toFirst:5) :
let yourQuery = ... queryOrdered(byChild:reverseTimestamp)
.queryEnding(atValue:\\ \\(self.pageOnTimestamp),childKey:reverseTimestamp)
if snapshot.value是NSNull {
print(There is no post。)
else {
yourQuery.queryLimited(toFirst: 5).observeSingleEvent(of:.value,with:{(sna ())
$ b self.posts.removeAll(keepingCapacity:true)
$ b $ for(i,snap)in snapshot.children.enumerated(){
如果让postAllDict = snapshot.value为? [String:AnyObject] {
如果让postDict = postAllDict [(作为AnyObject捕捉).key as String] as? (String:AnyObject){
let post = Post(key:(snap as AnyObject).key as String,postDict:postDict)
$ b完成(true)
如果用户到达最新的帖子,可以使用 willDisplay
$ b $ pre $ func tableView(tableView:UITableView,willDisplay cell:UITableViewCell,forRowAt indexPath:IndexPath){
if self.posts.count - 1 == indexPath.row {
在loadMore()函数中,你可以处理最新帖子的时间戳,然后开始 - 结束查询,所以你可以轻松地继续下一个前5个职位,同时追加数组。
I'm trying to order my data from Firebase so the most recent post is at the top (like Instagram), but I just can't get it to work properly. Should I be using a server timestamp? Is there a "createdAt" field?
func getPosts() {
POST_REF.observeEventType(.Value, withBlock: { snapshot in
guard let posts = snapshot.value as? [String : [String : String]] else {
print("No Posts Found")
for (postID, post) in posts {
let newPost = Post.initWithPostID(postID, postDict: post)!
Post.feed? = (Post.feed?.reverse())!
}, withCancelBlock: { error in
Using only reverse() for your array is not enough way to encompass everything. There are different things you need to think about:
Limit while retrieving data, use append() and then reverse() to save time. You don't need to delete all array for each time.
Scroll trigger or willDisplay cell method loading
Let's start. You can create a child for your posts timestamp or date/time being global. To provide like Instagram seconds, weeks I advice you using UTC time. So I will call this: (timeUTC)
For sorting your all post, use since1970 timestamp. So I will call this (timestamp) and then also you can keep another node as (reversedTimestamp) adding - prefix to timestamp. So when you use queryOrdered to this node. You can handle latest 5 post using with yourQuery.queryLimited(toFirst: 5)
1.Get UTC date/time for timeUTC node in Swift 3:
let date = Date()
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "en_US_POSIX")
formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss ZZZ"
formatter.timeZone = TimeZone(abbreviation: "UTC")
let utcTimeZoneStr = formatter.string(from: date)
+0000 means it's universal time, look at http://time.is/tr/UTC
2.Get since1970 timestamp to sort posts in Swift 3:
let timestamp = (Date().timeIntervalSince1970 as NSString).doubleValue
let reversedTimestamp = -1.0 * timestamp
Now, you can save them on your Firebase posts like this.
"posts" : {
"-KHLOy5mOSq0SeB7GBXv" : {
"timestamp": "1475858019.2306"
"timeUTC" : "2012-02-04 12:11:56 +0000"
"-KHLrapS0wbjqPP5ZSUY" : {
"timestamp": "1475858010.1245"
"timeUTC" : "2014-02-04 12:11:56 +0000"
I will retrieve five by five post, so I'm doing queryLimited(toFirst: 5) in viewDidLoad
let yourQuery = ...queryOrdered(byChild: "reverseTimestamp")
.queryEnding(atValue: "\(self.pageOnTimestamp)", childKey: "reverseTimestamp")
yourQuery.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
if snapshot.value is NSNull {
print("There is no post.")
else {
yourQuery.queryLimited(toFirst: 5).observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
self.posts.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true)
for (i, snap) in snapshot.children.enumerated() {
if let postAllDict = snapshot.value as? [String: AnyObject] {
if let postDict = postAllDict[(snap as AnyObject).key as String] as? [String: AnyObject] {
let post = Post(key: (snap as AnyObject).key as String, postDict: postDict)
If user reached latest post, you can handle it with willDisplay
method like below, then you can call loadMore function.
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, willDisplay cell: UITableViewCell, forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
if self.posts.count - 1 == indexPath.row {
// call loadMore function.
In loadMore() function you can handle latest post's timestamp, then start-end query as with that, so you can easily continue with next first 5 posts while appending before array.