我正在尝试创建一个Firebase Cloud Function,该功能在Google Books API上执行搜索.
I'm trying to create a Firebase Cloud Function that performs a search on the Google Books API.
export const searchBooksOnline = functions.https.onCall(
async function(data: any, context: functions.https.CallableContext) {
const query: string = data.query;
console.log(`Received query loud and clear: ${query}`);
try {
const res = await fetch(`https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes?q=${query}&key=MY-API-KEY`);
const json = await res.json();
return json;
} catch(err) {
throw new functions.https.HttpsError(err.status, 'Failed to search books online');
但是每当我从Javascript API调用此函数时,都会出现错误:
But whenever I call this function from the Javascript API, I get an error:
Unhandled error Error: Unknown error code: undefined.
at new HttpsError (/srv/node_modules/firebase-functions/lib/providers/https.js:95:19)
at exports.searchBooksOnline (/srv/lib/books.js:42:15)
at func (/srv/node_modules/firebase-functions/lib/providers/https.js:267:32)
at <anonymous>
at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:229:7)
which is quite cryptic to me. I know that the function is getting called properly because
我可以在Cloud Functions日志大声且清晰地接收到查询:"中看到我的打印内容.
I can see my print in the Cloud Functions log "Received query loud and clear:".
当我删除 await fetch
When I remove the await fetch
line and return some dummy data, the function executes correctly.
Additionally, I'm sure that the API call is working because when I copy out those few lines to run directly from my browser's developer console, I get the expected API response.
我不确定导致此错误的Cloud Functions环境有何不同.(我正在执行Blaze计划,该计划应允许我向外部网站提出请求)
I'm not sure what is different about the Cloud Functions environment that is causing this error. (I'm on the Blaze plan, which should allow me to make requests to external sites)
Hope that somebody can help shed some light on this!
(I have seen this similar issue, but the solution applied by the OP does not make a difference to me, I still have the same error.)
道格·史蒂文森(Doug Stevenson)的答案没有解决该问题直接发生,但帮助我进行了诊断:
The answer from Doug Stevenson didn't solve the problem directly, but helped me to diagnose it:
.结果我正在从客户端成功测试的 fetch
As soon as I fixed my HttpsError report as he suggested, I tried calling the function again and this time it gave me an error message saying 'fetch' not defined
. Turns out that fetch
which I was testing successfully from client-side JavaScript is not natively implemented in NodeJS (which Cloud Functions use).
因此,解决方法是仅对我的API请求使用其他方法.就我而言,我选择使用 node-fetch ,它实现了与JavaScript fetch
So the fix was simply to use a different method for my API request. In my case, I chose to use node-fetch, which implements the same interface as the JavaScript fetch
So the only change I need to get things working was to do
npm install node-fetch @types/node-fetch # the @types package needed for TypeScript
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
这篇关于从Firebase Cloud Function调用Google Books API时出现HttpsError的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!