


I'm getting strange characters in my fresh local WAMP installation. I've just downloaded all .php files from ftp online and restored a backup on my local mysql server. The problem only happens when text contains symbols or special characters:

PHP < META HTTP-EQUIV =Content-Type的CONTENT =text / html的;字符集= UTF-8/>

MySQL的整理 latin1_swedish_ci


In this image of course there is a strange symbol "°" where "°" and "€" are needed. This has happened both in Opera and Firefox.




I'll answer here because it's too long for a comment.


You don't need to change your encoding, you should check your encoding. Keep in mind that encoding could be changed in a lot of different places:

  • 在数据库

  • 在Apache配置与

  • 用PHP

  • 在与&LT你的HTML,META HTTP-EQUIV =Content-Type的CONTENT =text / html的;字符集= UTF-8> 标记

  • In your database with charset functions
  • In your apache configuration with AddDefaultCharset
  • With php header function
  • In your html with a <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> tag


Any of these reasons could lead to wrong encoding displayed in the web browser. And if you do not specify it with one or more the previous methods, the corresponding layer will use its configured default.

在你的情况,因为文字是从数据库到来,因为经常在WAMP / XAAMP / MAMP使用MySQL的一个奇怪的默认编码,我会检查点之一。尝试执行 SET NAMES UTF-8 (或者你使用任何编码)查询 检索数据,只是你的数据库后进行连接功能之前。

In your case since the text is coming from database and since often in WAMP/XAAMP/MAMP MySQL use a weird default encoding, I'd check for point one. Try to execute SET NAMES UTF-8 (or whatever encoding you use) query before retrieving data, just after your db connect function.


08-28 14:01