dates_for_breaks< - c(seq .Date(from = min(dates_vec),
to = max(dates_vec),by =2 years),max(dates_vec))
Recently, you guys helped me format the x-axis of my chart as a date axis:
R ggplot2: bar chart of a time series
My data spans from July 2006 to June 2016 but R is automatically making the scale of the x-axis include all of 2006 and all of 2016. This results in 'blank space' on either end of the chart. I would also like for the labels to have Jul 20XX instead of every December. I tried forcing it to fit my data with the command:
scale_x_date(limits = c(min, max), breaks=date_breaks("12 months"), labels=date_format("%b %Y")) +
but it that doesn't seem to change anything except it reformatted my labels as Dec 20XX.
Assuming g
as the plot object from the answer posted to the liked question:
dates_vec <- as.Date(rownames(sample), "%m/%d/%Y")
dates_for_breaks <- c(seq.Date(from = min(dates_vec),
to = max(dates_vec), by = "year"), max(dates_vec))
g + scale_x_date(breaks = dates_for_breaks, date_labels = "%b %Y", expand = c(0, 0))
If you want the labels every 2 years:
dates_for_breaks <- c(seq.Date(from = min(dates_vec),
to = max(dates_vec), by = "2 years"), max(dates_vec))
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