在我的 project.rb 模型中,我试图创建一个具有动态变量的作用域:
in my project.rb model, I'm trying to create a scope with a dynamic variable:
scope :instanceprojects, lambda {
where("projects.instance_id = ?", current_user.instance_id)
undefined local variable or method `current_user' for #<Class:0x102fe3af0>
我可以在控制器中的哪个位置访问 current_user.instance_id
... 是否有模型无法访问它的原因以及获得访问权限的方法?另外,这是创建上述范围的正确位置,还是属于控制器?
Where in the controller I can access current_user.instance_id
... Is there a reason the model can't access it and a way to get access? Also, is this the right place to create a scope like the above, or does that belong in the controller?
这没有多大意义,正如您已经指出的那样.current_user 根本不属于模型逻辑,应该在控制器级别处理.
This doesn't make much sense, as you already pointed. The current_user doesn't belong to model logic at all, it should be handled on the controller level.
But you can still create scope like that, just pass the parameter to it from the controller:
scope :instanceprojects, lambda { |user|
where("projects.instance_id = ?", user.instance_id)
Now you can call it in the controller:
这篇关于Rails 3 设计,在模型中无法访问 current_user ?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!