




I've been searching for a solid solution to this problem, and came across this SO question which kind of matches my predicament, but not exactly.

目前,我有我的iPhone应用程序通过基本验证我的Rails API认证。这只是你的简单,运行的设施,工厂设计AUTH包。然后我也跟着成立omniauth Facebook的为设计出说明,并得到了在浏览器端的工作。

Currently I have my iPhone application authenticating with my Rails API via Basic Auth. It's just your simple, run-of-the-mill devise auth package. I then followed the instructions to set up omniauth-facebook for devise and got that working on the browser side.


The part I can't figure out how to do is how to send the token received on the iPhone side (via the Facebook iOS SDK) to the server. I want the server to check the users table to see if that facebook user has signed up, and create an account for him if he hasn't. Then, I was thinking the server would generate a random password and send it back to the client device so that I could keep my same basic authentication strategy. Is this the proper way to implement single sign on for a web app and iPhone app? How would one go about modifying the server side packages to support authentication via a token sent from the phone?



它看起来像一个相对简单的方式使用Rails /设计和iOS工作。我肯定计划在我的下一个项目使用它。

It looks like a relatively painless way to work with Rails / Devise and iOS. I definitely plan on using it in my next project.


08-06 06:07