

我在使用窗体身份验证后端服务器写在asp.net mvc的。当用户没有通过验证,服务器会自动发送一个302重定向到一个登录操作,并返回一个登录页面。

I have a back-end server written in asp.net mvc using Forms Authentication. When the user is not authenticated, the server will automatically send a 302 redirect to a Login action and return a Login page.


On client side, I have a list of items. This list is only accessible to authenticated users. On the page, I have a button to Refresh the list using Ajax ($.ajax function of jQuery).


Now, my problem is when the authentication ticket is timeout and the user clicks on the Refresh button:

  • 在我的函数发送一个Ajax请求得到刷新列表
  • 在服务器检测到身份验证票证是无效的,并发出302重定向。
  • 在浏览器的自动处理的302响应,迫使我的AJAX功能再派Ajax请求的登录操作和最终的结果是,状态200的HTML我的脚本困惑,因为该列表还有一个HTML,状态200。
  • My function sends an ajax request to get the refreshed list
  • The server detects that the authentication ticket is not valid and issues a 302 redirect.
  • The browser automatically handles that 302 response and forces my ajax function to send another ajax request to the Login action and the final result is an HTML with status 200. My script is confused because the list is also an HTML with status 200.


What I want is when the authentication ticket is timeout and the user clicks on the Refresh button, I should be able to detect that and display a message asking the user to Login.


I tried to workaround this by adding a custom header (IS_LOGIN) in the Login action and check that in my ajax response. But it is not a good solution.


  • 什么是解决这个问题的最好方法是什么?
  • 为什么浏览器不能让我们的脚本处理302回应?而只是自动迫使我们的Ajax创建另一个请求。这是浏览器或jQuery库有问题?任何原因? (安全性,...)



您不能将呼叫转接当它是一个XHR但有一个 401未授权应对和处理这个问题在你的回调。我不知道ASP.NET,但我没有使用Spring Security类似的东西。

You shouldn't redirect the call when it's an XHR but respond with a 401 Unauthorized and handle this in your callbacks. I don't know ASP.NET but I did something similar with Spring Security.


  • 获得认证状态
  • 检查标题为 X-要求,通过:XMLHtt prequest
  • 当发现不符合认证响应401未授权
  • 在当前没有发现未经过身份验证的重定向。
  • Get the authenticated state
  • Check the headers for X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
  • When found and not authenticated respond with 401 Unauthorized
  • When not found and not authenticated redirect.


The bottom line is that XHR calls need to be handled differently then other HTTP requests in some cases. You should only redirect a XHR if the same resource is at another location.


You can't handle redirects with XHR callbacks because the browser takes care of them automatically. You will only get back what at the redirected location.


08-06 05:47