

您好,我目前遇到的是azure cognitive search的性能问题.

Hi all I'm facing performance issues with azure cognitive search currently I have 956 Facets filed.


When I load Documents from Azure server it's taking almost 30 to 35 seconds.


But when I remove Facets from Azure search request Documents load in 2 to 3 seconds.


So for this, I have created 2 API's

  1. Azure服务器的第一个API加载文档结果.
  2. 第二个API从azure服务器加载所有Facets.


Is there any way to load only Facets?

DocumentSearchResult<AzureSearchItem> results = null;
ISearchFilterResult searchResult = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<ISearchFilterResult>();
WriteToFile("Initiate request call for search result ProcessAzureSearch {0}");
results = searchServiceClient.Documents.Search<AzureSearchItem>(searchWord, parameters);
WriteToFile("Response received for search result {0}");



Faceting is an aggregation operation that's performed over the matching results and is quite intensive when there are a lot of distinct buckets. I can't comment on the specific increase in latency but adding facets to the query definitely has a performance impact.

由于分面计算匹配文档上的汇总,因此必须在后端运行查询,但正如Gaurav所述,指定top = 0将阻止实际检索,因为它不需要包含在响应中.这可以提高性能,尤其是在单个文档很大的情况下.

Since faceting computes aggregation on matching documents, it has to run the query in the backend but as Gaurav mentioned, specifying top = 0 will prevent the actual retrieval as it doesn't need to be included in the response. This could improve the performance especially if the individual docs are large.


Another possibility is to run just the query first and then use a identifier field to filter the docs with facets. Since filtering is faster than querying, the overall latency should improve. This only works if you're able to identify the id groups for the resultant docs from the 1st API call.

通常,如果需要在具有高基数的字段上运行构面查询,通常建议谨慎使用构面,并重新评估设计.这是有关优化搜索效果的文档,您可以查看- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/search/search-performance-optimization

In general I'd recommend using facets judiciously and re-evaluate the design if there is a need to run faceting queries on a field with high cardinality. Here's a document on optimizing search performance that you can take a look at -https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/search/search-performance-optimization


09-12 12:10