







A tag 是一个git概念,而 Release 是GitHub更高层次的概念。

正如GitHub博客 文章中所述:发布是一流的对象,包含更新日志和二进制资源,可呈现超出Git构件的完整项目历史记录。

A Release 是从现有的标记创建的,并公开发布说明和链接以从GitHub下载软件或源代码。

当前版本的 确实不公开一种管理 Release s(创建,更新...)的方法。我敢肯定,在暴露之前,这不应该花太长时间。


鉴于此人将从同一个存储库中列出 54个标记(截至今天)

在包含手动操作的过程中创建发行版 (添加发行说明,上传软件包,...)。这解释了为什么标记 s没有透明地被视为 Release s。


然而,如果您等不及了,那么GitHub API主页会指出如果您有任何问题或要求,请与支持部门联系。。这可以通过发送至 [email protected] 的电子邮件或


GitHub API现在允许操作推出秒。请参阅

Using GitHub's API, I can't get the releases list, but I can get the tags list.

What's the difference between them?


A tag is a pointer to a specific commit. This pointer can be super charged with some additional information (identity of the creator of the tag, a description, a GPG signature, ...).

A tag is a git concept whereas a Release is GitHub higher level concept.

As stated in the official announcement post from the GitHub blog: "Releases are first-class objects with changelogs and binary assets that present a full project history beyond Git artifacts."

A Release is created from an existing tag and exposes release notes and links to download the software or source code from GitHub.

The current version of the GitHub API doesn't expose a way to manage Releases (create, update, ...). I'm pretty sure that this shouldn't take too long before it's exposed.

However, it's currently possible to list the releases and tags of a specific repository.

For instance, the url below will list the 6 releases (as of today) from ReactiveUI

Whereas this one will list the 54 tags (as of today) from the same repository

Creating a release is currently in a process which involves a manual action (adding the release notes, uploading the packages, ...). This explains why tags are not transparently seen as Releases.

If you want to be notified of the API changes, you can subscribe to the GitHub API Changes blog.

However, if you can't wait, the GitHub API home page states "If you have any problems or requests please contact support.". This can be done through an email to [email protected] or this contact form.


The GitHub API now allows to manipulate Releases. See the announcement.


08-06 05:30