

给出 GRPC 服务的地址,例如ipv4:,是否存在任何标准化查询或我可以用来发现服务可以接收哪些GRPC请求的工具?

Given the address of a GRPC service at, say, ipv4:, are there any standardized queries or tools I can use to discover what GRPC requests the service is capable of receiving?


e.g. I'm looking for something like:

> service Greeter {
>    rpc Greet(HelloMessage) returns (HelloResponse) {}
> }


更新:反射服务受多种语言支持,grpc CLI可以使用它.

Update: the reflection service is supported across the various languages and grpc CLI is able to consume it.

此刻,没有.我们将在各种语言中添加服务器反射 ,但必须将支持单独添加到每个.一旦支持服务器反射, grpc CLI 将得到增强,使其可以使用,并且将成为使用的标准工具".

At the moment, no. We will be adding server reflection to the various languages, but the support has to be added to each individually. Once server reflection is supported, the grpc CLI will be enhanced to use it and will be the "standard tool" to use.


08-06 04:39