

本文介绍了目前是否有任何应用程序提供协议缓冲区 API?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我最近偶然发现了 Google 的 Protocol Buffers 作为我正在关注的 Kickstarter 项目,Lifx 计划发布一个使用 Protocol Buffers 作为接口的 SDK.我只是想知道是否有人知道提供协议缓冲区 API 的任何现有应用程序或服务?我只是想获得一些使用它的经验.

I recently stumbled upon Google's Protocol Buffers as a Kickstarter project I'm following, Lifx, plans to release an SDK utilizing Protocol Buffers as the interface. I was just wondering if anyone knows of any existing applications or services offering a Protocol Buffers API? I am just looking to get some experience playing around with it.


协议缓冲区首先是一种将程序数据序列化为二进制格式(用于存储或通过网络传输)然后再返回的机制 - 以编程语言独立的方式.IE.您可以在 python 应用程序中将复杂的数据结构序列化为二进制并将其读回 android 应用程序并在 android 应用程序的编程语言中获取相同的数据.协议缓冲区不能帮助您将数据从一个地方传输或发送到另一个地方 - 为此您需要一些其他机制( TCP/IP 、套接字、 HTTP ).然而,协议缓冲区确实提供了一个 API,用于执行从客户端到远程服务器的 RPC 调用——但不提供任何实现.这个特定的 RPC api 有一些 3rd 方实现,可以与任何 Java 应用程序一起使用 - 请参阅 https://code.google.com/p/protobuf-rpc-pro/ - 这可能适用于 android.

Protocol buffers is first and foremost a mechanism to serialize your program data into binary format (for storage or transfer over the network ) and back again - in a programming language independent way. ie. you can serialize a complex data structure to binary in python app and read it back into an android app and get the same data in the android app's programming language. Protocol buffers doesn't help you transfer or send the data from one place to another - for this you need some other mechanism ( TCP/IP , sockets, HTTP ). Protocol buffers does however provide an API for performing RPC calls from a client to a remote server - but doesn't provide any implementation. There are some 3rd party implementations of this particular RPC api which can be used with any java application - see https://code.google.com/p/protobuf-rpc-pro/ - which might work on android.

这篇关于目前是否有任何应用程序提供协议缓冲区 API?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-06 04:36