


I have powershell task configured in azure build pipelines to merge changes from dev into master of my github public repo and push changes to master. I am getting


  • 我已经用我的用户名和emailid配置了gitconfig.
  • 当我在文件中进行修改并进行提交和推送时,git push可以正常工作,但是当我进行合并和推送时,它会抛出此错误
  • 我有足够的特权来推动分支机构


Any help on this would be much appreciated. In case of more information needed, comment in this thread.


$branchName = $env:BRANCH_NAME;

Write-Host "Getting SHA for last commit in the latest release" -ForegroundColor Blue;
$latestReleaseCommitSHA = git rev-list --tags --max-count=1;

if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($latestReleaseCommitSHA)) {
    Write-Host "Unable to get the SHA for last commit in latest release" -ForegroundColor Red;
    EXIT 1;

Write-Host "SHA for last commit in the latest release is '$($latestReleaseCommitSHA)'" -ForegroundColor Green;

Write-Host "Merging Changes till '$($latestReleaseCommitSHA)'" -ForegroundColor Blue;
git merge $latestReleaseCommitSHA

Write-Host "Checking Conflicted Files";
$conflictedFiles = git diff --name-only --diff-filter=U

if (-Not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($conflictedFiles)) {
    Write-Host "Unable to Merge" -ForegroundColor Red;
    Write-Host "There are conflicts in below files:" -ForegroundColor Cyan;
    Write-Host -Object $conflictedFiles -ForegroundColor Cyan;
    EXIT 1;

Write-Host "Merged changes to '$($branchName)'" -ForegroundColor Green;

Write-Host "Pushing changes." -ForegroundColor Blue;
git push origin HEAD:$branchName

Write-Host "Pushed the changes to the $($branchName) branch." -ForegroundColor Green;


我不为什么,但是当您在merge git之后尝试push时,想要用户名&密码.

I don't why but when you try push after merge git want the username & password.

默认情况下,Azure DevOps禁用提示输入凭据的提示,并且您收到错误消息.

Azure DevOps by default disable the prompt to enter the credentials and you got the error.


You can enable the prompt by set the environment variable GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT to 1 but during the build you can't enter the values and the build will hang.

要解决该错误,只需添加用户名&密码或git push命令中的个人访问令牌(PAT):

To fix the error, just add the username & password or the Personal Access Token (PAT) in the git push command:

git push https://username:password(or PAT)@github.com/username/reponame.git



08-06 04:25