

有没有人知道一个很好的解决方案,包括模板,其名字只能在运行时才知道? EJS的包含仅允许指定确切的文件/模板名称。

用例:我有一篇文章布局,有文章HTML / EJS内容在一些本地文件。



  app.get('/ article /:article',function(req,res){
var articleContent = req。 params.article;
res.locals.articleContent ='data /'+ articleContent;
return res.render('article.ejs')


 <%layout('layout') - %> 
< section>
< article class =single-country>
<%include ??? articleContent ??? %GT;
< / article>
< / section>

有没有可能这样做,或者唯一的选择是加载文章内容并放入articleContent ,所以可以通过<% - articleContent%>

此解决方案的问题是文章的内容应该是纯HTML(`<% - - %>'不插值)。所以如果在文章中我需要使用任何EJS功能,我需要自己编译/渲染。




 <% -  include(articleContent)%> 


  app.set('view cache',false); 

Does anybody know a nice solution for including templates, whose names would be known only at run time? EJS's includes allows only to specify exact file/template name.

Use case: I have a article layout and there is article HTML/EJS content in some local file.

To do so I need something like https://github.com/visionmedia/ejs#includes but file name should be taken from locals variable:

Assume I have such handler (simplified):

app.get('/article/:article', function (req, res) {
        var articleContent = req.params.article;
        res.locals.articleContent = 'data/'+articleContent;
        return res.render('article.ejs')

And in article.ejs (assume having ejs-locals):

<% layout('layout') -%>
  <article class="single-country">
      <% include ???articleContent???  %>

Is there any possibility to do so or is the only option is to load article content and put into articleContent, so available by <%- articleContent %>?

The problem with this solution is that the content of article should be plain html (`<%- -%>' do not interpolate value). So if inside article I need to use any EJS feature, I need to compile/render by myself.

Maybe someone else already knows how this can be done with some dynamic include helper for EJS so no need of additional code?


Looks like this is now supported in EJS. It was introduced in v2.0.1: 2015-01-02. The new syntax looks like this

 <%- include(articleContent) %>

To get this to work I had to disable caching in Express by setting:

app.set('view cache', false);


08-06 04:22