



我看过很多这样的问题,但没有一个似乎有 position:absolute (可能是问题,不确定)

I've seen many questions like this but none of them seem to have position:absolute in it (maybe that's the problem, not sure)Always used to work with tables and now in my first attempt with div's I've encountered the following issue.

我的主要问题是当我的一个孩子div #contentBox ),那么main-div( #container )不会扩展。

My main problem is that when one of my child-divs expands (#contentBox) then the main-div (#container) isn't expanding aswell.


If you have a look at http://www.xact.be/consciente/index_v1.html all is well, once the div expands over the min-height of the #container-div it al goes haywire, see http://www.xact.be/consciente/index_v2.html for the issue.

不知道我是否编码错误,因此我要求您的专业知识: )

Not sure if i'm coding this all wrong or not, hence why i'm asking for your expertise :)



You should only use position: absolute in rare cases. Absolute positioning a Div removes it from the normal flow of a page and disrupts the normal parent/child relationship. Instead position: relative the div and float: right. Then add the appropriate margin. You will also need to remove unnecessary absolute positioning from parent divs. Position the divs using float, padding and margin only. Absolute positioning is best used for things outside of the normal flow.


08-06 04:17