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}< / script> < / DIV> < / div>



与bootstrap中的类 .active 类似,当您第一次重新加载页面时,< li> 已经突出显示而没有点击它,这就是我想要的第一个按钮,即A01-FAF-1。但是类 active 无效。




 < HTML> 
< head>
< script src =http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js
type =text / javascript>
< / script>
< script type =text / javascript>
< / script>
< / head>
< body>
< div id =TestDivstyle =width:100px; height:100px; border:1px solid black>
< / div>
< div onclick =showHer()style =background:silver; border:1px solid black; cursor:pointer; display:inline;>
< / div>
< / body>
< / html>




I published the still not finished website just to show you what I want

In this website:http://urbanphenomena.net/shukri/#page3

the iFrame is redirecting to different images in different pages when the user clicks a specific link. Here is the code if needed:

<!--- Projects Section --->
    <div class="section projects-section container-fluid" id="section4">
      <div class="row">
        <div class="col-lg-2 pull-left">
          <div class="panel-group" id="accordion">
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              <h4 class="panel-title">
                <a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#collapse1">Architecture</a>
              <div id="collapse1" class="panel-collapse collapse in">
                <div class="panel-body">
                  <!--- FAF --->
                    <a class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseOne">
                  <div id="collapseOne" class="panel-collapse collapse in">
                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/ARCH/A01-FAF/1.html')">A01-FAF-1</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/ARCH/A01-FAF/2.html')">A01-FAF-2</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/ARCH/A01-FAF/3.html')">A01-FAF-3</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/ARCH/A01-FAF/4.html')">A01-FAF-4</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/ARCH/A01-FAF/5.html')">A01-FAF-5</button><br>
                  <!--- KSAF --->
                    <a class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseTwo">
                  <div id="collapseTwo" class="collapse">
                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/ARCH/A02-KSAF/1.html')">A02-KSAF-1</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/ARCH/A02-KSAF/2.html')">A02-KSAF-2</button><br>
                  <!--- KSAF10V --->
                    <a class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseThree">
                  <div id="collapseThree" class="collapse">
                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/ARCH/A03-KSAF10V/1.html')">A03-KSAF10V-1</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/ARCH/A03-KSAF10V/2.html')">A03-KSAF10V-2</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/ARCH/A03-KSAF10V/3.html')">A03-KSAF10V-3</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/ARCH/A03-KSAF10V/4.html')">A03-KSAF10V-4</button><br>
                  <!--- Makkah --->
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                  <div id="collapseFour" class="collapse">
                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/ARCH/A04-Makkah/1.html')">A03-Makkah-1</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/ARCH/A04-Makkah/2.html')">A03-Makkah-2</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/ARCH/A04-Makkah/3.html')">A03-Makkah-3</button><br>
                  <!--- Marina --->
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                  <div id="collapseFive" class="collapse">
                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/ARCH/A05-Marina/1.html')">A05-Marina-1</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/ARCH/A05-Marina/2.html')">A05-Marina-2</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/ARCH/A05-Marina/3.html')">A05-Marina-3</button><br>
                  <!--- Residential --->
                    <a class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseSix">
                  <div id="collapseSix" class="collapse">
                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/ARCH/A06-Residential/1.html')">A06-Residential-1</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/ARCH/A06-Residential/2.html')">A06-Residential-2</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/ARCH/A06-Residential/3.html')">A06-Residential-3</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/ARCH/A06-Residential/4.html')">A06-Residential-4</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/ARCH/A06-Residential/5.html')">A06-Residential-5</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/ARCH/A06-Residential/6.html')">A06-Residential-6</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/ARCH/A06-Residential/7.html')">A06-Residential-7</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/ARCH/A06-Residential/8.html')">A06-Residential-8</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/ARCH/A06-Residential/9.html')">A06-Residential-9</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/ARCH/A06-Residential/10.html')">A06-Residential-10</button><br>
                  <!--- SAB4 --->
                    <a class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseSeven">
                  <div id="collapseSeven" class="collapse">
                      buttona type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/ARCH/A07-SAB4/1.html')">A07-SAB4-1</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/ARCH/A07-SAB4/2.html')">A07-SAB4-2</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/ARCH/A07-SAB4/3.html')">A07-SAB4-3</button><br>

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                  <div id="collapse2" class="collapse in" aria-labelledby="heading2">
                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/INT/I01-Interior/1.html')">I01-Interior-1</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/INT/I01-Interior/2.html')">I01-Interior-2</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/INT/I01-Interior/3.html')">I01-Interior-3</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/INT/I01-Interior/4.html')">I01-Interior-4</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/INT/I01-Interior/5.html')">I01-Interior-5</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/INT/I01-Interior/6.html')">I01-Interior-6</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/INT/I01-Interior/7.html')">I01-Interior-7</button><br>
                  <!--- SFS --->
                    <a class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseOneInt">
                  <div id="collapseOneInt" class="collapse">
                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/INT/I02-SFS/1.html')">I02-SFS-1</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/INT/I02-SFS/2.html')">I02-SFS-2</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/INT/I02-SFS/3.html')">I02-SFS-3</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/INT/I02-SFS/4.html')">I02-SFS-4</button><br>
            <div class="panel">
                <a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#collapse3">Fabrication</a>
              <div id="collapse3" class="panel-collapse collapse">
                <div class="panel-body">
                  <div id="collapse3">
                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/FAB/F01-Fabrication/1.html')">F01-Fabrication-1</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/FAB/F01-Fabrication/2.html')">F01-Fabrication-2</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/FAB/F01-Fabrication/3.html')">F01-Fabrication-3</button><br>

                      <a type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/FAB/F01-Fabrication/4.html')">F01-Fbuttonbrication-4</button><br>

                      <button type="button" onclick="setURL('imgs/projects/FAB/F01-Fabrication/5.html')">F01-Fabrication-5</button><br>
        <!--- iFrame --->
        <div class="col-lg-7
          col-xs-12 pull-right
          col-lg-pull-3 img-container
          <iframe id="iframe" src="imgs/projects/ARCH/A01-FAF/1.html" allowfullscreen></iframe>
          function setURL(url) {
            document.getElementById('iframe').src = url;

Is there an more accurate way to do this than iframe?

and the thing I need help with mostly is:When I reload the page, I want one of the buttons to be highlighted after the reload.

Like the class .active in bootstrap, when you first reload the page, the <li> is already highlighted without clicking it, thats what I want for the first button which is "A01-FAF-1". But the class active doesn't work.

How to do it?


Here is a very simple example:

<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"
<script type="text/javascript">
      function showHer(){
<div id="TestDiv" style="width:100px;height:100px;border:1px solid black">
Changeable stuff here.
<div onclick="showHer()" style="background:silver;border:1px solid black;cursor:pointer;display:inline;">
click me

You can see, in one line, I was able to change the content of a DIV elsewhere on the page.

Also note that there are no buttons. You can do this with a button, image, link, pretty much anything.

One other thing to note is that since you're using jquery to replace content in one small area of the page, the entire page doesn't need to update (faster) and hitting BACK doesn't just go back to the previous image, it would go back to the previous page.


08-06 03:36