

我想使用 HttpContent

HttpContent myContent = HttpContent.Create(SOME_JSON);


...but I am not having any luck finding the DLL where it is defined.

首先,我尝试添加引用 Microsoft.Http 以及 System.Net ,但也不是在列表。我也尝试添加一个参考 System.Net.Http HttpContent 类是不可用的。

First, I tried adding references to Microsoft.Http as well as System.Net, but neither is in the list. I also tried adding a reference to System.Net.Http but the HttpContent class is not available.

那么,谁能告诉我哪里可以找到 HttpContent 类?

So, can anyone tell me where I can find the HttpContent class?


类的。请注意,这个类是新的.NET 4.5,所以你需要使用该版本的BCL的。

The class is listed as being present in the System.Net.Http assembly. Note that this class is new for .NET 4.5, so you need to be using that version of the BCL.


10-16 01:18