



我们有一个似乎连接泄漏的应用程序(SQL Server说已达到最大池大小).我独自一人在开发机器上(很明显),仅通过浏览该应用程序,我便触发此错误. "SQL Server活动"监视器显示使用我的数据库的大量进程.

We have an app which seems to have connection leaks (SQL Server says that the max pool size has been reached). I am alone on my dev machine (obviously), and just by navigating the app, I trigger this error. The SQL Server Activity monitor shows a great number of processes using my database.


I want to find which files open connections but do not use it. I was thinking of using something like grep to, for each file, count the number of ".Open()" and the number of ".Close()", and get the file for which the numbers are not equal.Is it realistic?

奖金问题:SQL Server活动监视器中找到的进程是否与连接相对应?如果没有,我如何找出数据库上打开了多少个连接?

Bonus question: do the processes found in SQL Server Activity Monitor correspond to the connections? If not, how do I find out how many connections are open on my database?

该应用程序位于SQL Server 2005的asp.net(vb)3.5中.我们目前尚未使用LINQ(尚未)或类似的东西.

The app is in asp.net (vb) 3.5, with SQL Server 2005. We currently do not use LINQ (yet) or anything like that.



从SQL Server端查看代码时,您可以运行以下查询以查看上次在睡眠连接上运行的查询的视图. (打开的连接什么都不做)

When looking at the code from the SQL Server side you can run the following query to get a view on which queries are last run on sleeping connections. (open connections which are doing nothing)

SELECT ec.session_id, last_read, last_write, text, client_net_address, program_name, host_process_id, login_name
FROM sys.dm_exec_connections  ec
JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions es
  ON ec.session_id = es.session_id
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(ec.most_recent_sql_handle) AS dest
where es.status = 'sleeping'


From the application side you can debug with sos.dll as described in the following articles:

  • How to troubleshoot leaked SqlConnection Objects Part 1
  • How to troubleshoot leaked SqlConnection Objects Part 2


If you need more information on how to use windbg, these articles are a good intro:

  • Getting Started with WinDBG Part 1
  • Getting Started with WinDBG Part 2


08-06 03:14