




I have to write a multithreaded client and server using Java's socket api. Both the client and server are multithreaded, so the server can handle multiple connections and the client can test the server's ability to handle connections.

我的代码在这里: -客户端服务器


I am having a couple, probably related issues. One, occasionally one of the client threads will throw Socket closed
    at Method)
    at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.readBytes(
    at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.implRead(


Which from its position means the server is closing its socket before the client is done reading from it. How can I prevent this?

此外,即使计算抛出Socket closed异常的线程,似乎也不是所有的服务器线程都在发送其输出.例如,30个服务器线程中的23个将发送其输出,但是客户端线程中只有22个将接收任何内容.通讯显然在某处迷路了,如何防止这种情况发生?

Also, even counting the threads which throw the Socket closed exception, it seems that not all the server threads are sending their output. For example, 23 of the 30 server threads will send their output, but only 22 of the client threads will receive anything. The communications are obviously getting lost somewhere, how do I prevent this?



Your problem is this in ClientThread:

private static Socket socket = null;


That means all threads are sharing the same socket instance for all instances of ClientThread. That means your sockets are going to get out of sync with the state of the conversation. Your conversation is:


  1. 客户端连接
  2. 客户端发送请求
  3. 客户端等待响应
  4. 客户收到回复
  5. 客户端关闭套接字(应由每个客户端完成).


  1. 服务器等待客户端
  2. 服务器读取请求
  3. 服务器处理命令
  4. 服务器发送响应
  5. 服务器关闭套接字


However, you have 30 conversations all trying to be in different states at the same time, and the server and client can't keep track of them. First thread creates the socket sends a request moves to state 2, while it's waiting another threads creates another socket, writes it to moves to state 2, when the First thread wakes up it then starts talking over the new socket that was created by thread 2 which hasn't finished processing it's command. Now a third starts and overwrites that reference again, so on and so on. The first command won't ever be read because it lost the reference to the original socket when thread 2 overwrote it, and it starts reading thread 2's command and spitting it out. Once thread 1 makes it to the close statements it closes the socket down while other threads are trying to read/write to it, and bang the exception is tossed.


Essentially each ClientThread should create their own socket instance, and then each conversation can occur independently than the other conversations going on. Think if you wrote your client to be single threaded. Then started up two separate processes (run your Java app twice). Each process would create their own socket and each conversation would work independently. What you have now is one socket with 30 threads shouting commands over one megaphone to the server. Work can't proceed in an orderly fashion when everyone is shouting over the same megaphone.


So in summary change remove static modifier from socket member in ClientThread, and it should start working pretty well.


Just as an aside never release this code into the world. It has serious security problems because clients can execute any command at the security level your server process is running. So very easily anyone could own your machine or capture your account with relatively ease. Executing commands like that from the client means they could send:

sudo cat /etc/passwd


And capture your password hashes for example. I think you are just learning, but I felt like you should be alerted to what you're doing to be on the safe side.


Another thing is the server is only closing down sockets if the conversation went as expected. You really should move the close() calls into the finally block on the try block you have. Otherwise if a client closes its socket prematurely (it happens) then your server will leak sockets and eventually it will run out of sockets in the OS.

public void run() {
   try {
   } catch( SomeException ex ) {
      logger.error( "Something bad happened", ex );
   } finally {
      out.close();   <<<< not a bad idea to try {} finally {} these statements too.
      in.close();    <<<< not a bad idea to try {} finally {} these statements too.

您可能想探索的另一件事是在服务器上使用线程池,而不是为每个新连接都新建一个线程.在您的简单示例中,很容易对此进行操作,并且可以正常工作.但是,如果您要构建真正的服务器,则线程池有两个主要作用. 1.创建线程具有相关的开销,因此,通过让线程四处等待服务传入的请求,您可以获得一些性能响应时间.您可以节省一些时间来回应客户. 2.更重要的是,物理计算机无法无休止地创建线程.如果有很多客户说1000+,那么您的机器将很难回答所有使用1000个线程的客户.线程池意味着您创建最大线程数(例如50个线程),并且每个线程将被多次使用以处理每个请求.随着新连接的进入,它们在处理线程之前等待线程释放.如果连接过多,客户端将超时,而不是破坏需要重新启动的计算机.它可以让您更快地处理更多请求,同时避免一次连接过多而使您丧命.

Another thing you might want to explore is using Thread pools on the server instead of newing up a thread for every new connection you get. In your simple example it's easy to play around with this, and it works. However, if you were building a real server a thread pool has two major contributions. 1. creating threads has an overhead associated with it so you can get some performance response time by have a thread sitting around waiting to service incoming requests. You can save yourself sometime to respond to clients. 2. More importantly a physical computer can't endlessly create threads. If you had lots of clients say 1000+ your machine would be hard pressed to answer all of those using 1000 threads. A thread pool means you create max number of threads, say 50 threads, and each thread will be used multiple times to process each request. As new connections come in they wait for a thread to free up before being processed. If you get too many connections coming in the clients will timeout as opposed to destroying your machine requiring a reboot. It allows you to get through more requests faster while keeping you from dying should too many connections come in at once.


Finally, a close socket exception can happen for many valid reasons. Often if a client just shuts down in the middle of a conversation the server will get that exception. It's best to properly shutdown and clean up yourself when that happens. You can't ever prevent it is my point. You just have to respond to it.


08-06 03:12