在使用Facebook API时,Chrome(或任何其他Webkit浏览器)会抛出大量这些不安全的JavaScript尝试使用URL访问框架。它不会干扰实际的操作,但它确实使得javascript控制台基本上不可用。
您可以通过使用 - disable-web-security
Chrome (or any other webkit browser) throws a ton of these "Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL..." when working with the Facebook API for example.
It doesn't interfere with actual operation, but it does make the javascript console basically unusable.
I'd like to know if there is a way to suppress these errors specifically in the console? Or if there are other solutions you guys can think of, I would really appreciate it.
You could allow cross-domain requests during testing by running chrome with the --disable-web-security
command line option. This should probably get rid of the error (and allow FB to spy on your testing ;)
这篇关于“不安全的JavaScript尝试使用URL访问帧”在Chrome Webkit检查器中不断生成错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!