

本文介绍了Chrome 标签查询返回空标签数组的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试将我在 Firefox 中使用的 Web 扩展移植到 chrome,但我遇到了一些问题.我需要从后台脚本向内容脚本发送一条消息.当我第一次从 Firefox 构建它时,我使用了一个端口,但我将它切换到使用 chrome.tabs.query() 因为 chrome 不断发现错误.但是现在使用 query(),它在 Firefox 中仍然可以正常工作,但是现在 chrome 说它找不到当前标签:

I'm trying to port a Web Extension that I've gotten working in Firefox to chrome and I having some problems. I need to send a message form the background script to a content script. I was using a port when I first build it from Firefox, but I switched it to using chrome.tabs.query() because chrome kept finding an error. But now with query(), it still works fine in Firefox, but now chrome is saying that it can't find the current tab:

Error handling response: TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined
    at chrome-extension://hhfioopideeaaehgbpehkmjjhghmaaha/DubedAniDL_background.js:169:11

它返回tab参数pass是length == 0.console.log(tabs):

It returns that the tab argument pass is length == 0. console.log(tabs):



This is the function that Chrome is complaining about.

var browser = chrome; // I set this only for compatibility with chrome; not set in Firefox.

function sendToTab(thing) {
    {active: true, currentWindow: true},
    function(tabs) {
            tabs[0].id, // The inspector identifies an error on this line

相同的功能在 Firefox 中运行良好,访问该选项卡没有问题.但它在 Chrome 中不起作用.

The same function works fine in Firefox and has no problem getting access to the tab. But it doesn't work in Chrome.


显示调用 sendToTab 的代码

这是调用 sendToTab 的地方:

This is where sendToTab is called:

function logURL(requestDetails) {
    var l = requestDetails.url;
    if (l.includes(test_url)) {
        if (logOn) { console.log(l); }
        sendToTab({dl_url: l});

    {urls: ["<all_urls>"]}


听起来你正在运行这段代码,而你的活动窗口是 devtools,这是一个 已知错误.

Sounds like you're running this code while your active window is devtools, which is a known bug.


Another problem takes place in your code: it always accesses the focused (active) tab even though the request may have occurred in a backgrounded (inactive) tab.


使用侦听器中提供的标签 ID 函数参数作为 tabId 属性.
在您的情况下,它是 requestDetails.tabId

Use the tab id provided inside the listener function parameter as tabId property.
In your case it's requestDetails.tabId

如果出于某种原因您确实想要活动选项卡,请确保在此代码运行时真实窗口处于活动状态,或者使用以下解决方法,即使 devtools 窗口已获得焦点也能成功:

If for whatever reason you really want the active tab, make sure a real window is active while this code runs or use the following workaround that succeeds even if devtools window is focused:

chrome.windows.getCurrent(w => {
  chrome.tabs.query({active: true, windowId: w.id}, tabs => {
    const tabId = tabs[0].id;
    // use tabId here...

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08-06 02:36