

本文介绍了如何自动重新加载我正在开发的 Chrome 扩展程序?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我希望每次在扩展文件夹中保存文件时,我的 chrome 扩展都会重新加载,而无需在 chrome://extensions/中明确单击重新加载".这可能吗?

I'd like for my chrome extension to reload every time I save a file in the extension folder, without having to explicitly click "reload" in chrome://extensions/. Is this possible?

我知道我可以更新 Chrome 重新加载扩展程序的间隔,这是一个半途而废的解决方案,但我宁愿让我的编辑器(emacs 或 textmate)触发保存重新加载或要求 Chrome 监视目录的更改.

I'm aware I can update the interval at which Chrome reloads extensions, which is a half-way solution, but I'd rather either making my editor (emacs or textmate) trigger on-save a reload or asking Chrome to monitor the directory for changes.


您可以使用 "适用于 Chrome 的扩展程序重新加载器":

You can use "Extensions Reloader" for Chrome:


如果您曾经开发过 Chrome 扩展程序,您可能想要自动重新加载解压扩展的过程,而无需需要通过扩展页面.

If you've ever developed a Chrome extension, you might have wanted to automate the process of reloading your unpacked extension without the need of going through the extensions page.

Extensions Reloader"允许你重新加载所有解压的扩展使用两种方式:

"Extensions Reloader" allows you to reload all unpacked extensions using 2 ways:

1 - 扩展程序的工具栏按钮.

1 - The extension's toolbar button.

2 - 浏览到http://reload.extensions".


The toolbar icon will reload unpacked extensions using a single click.

通过浏览重新加载"旨在自动化重新加载过程使用后构建"脚本 - 只需添加一个浏览到"http://reload.extensions" 将 Chrome 用于您的脚本,您将刷新 Chrome 窗口.

The "reload by browsing" is intended for automating the reload process using "post build" scripts - just add a browse to "http://reload.extensions" using Chrome to your script, and you'll have a refreshed Chrome window.

更新:自 2015 年 1 月 14 日起,该扩展程序已开源并且可在GitHub.

Update: As of January 14, 2015, the extension is open-sourced and available on GitHub.

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08-06 02:32