本文介绍了是否有禁用 Windows8 手势的方法的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我们需要在我们的一个应用程序中禁用 Windows 8 的一些内置手势以防止用户离开应用程序.(想想自助服务终端登录屏幕).是否有方法仍然允许用户使用触摸与应用交互,但禁用/拦截一些内置手势(例如将应用停靠在左侧、转到桌面等).

We have a need in one of our apps where we need to disable some of the built in gestures for Windows 8 to prevent users from leaving the app. (think kiosk sign in screen). Are there methods for still allowing the user to interact with the app using touch but disabling/intercepting some of the built in gestures (things like docking the app on the left, going to the desktop, etc).

我们的备用解决方案是在某些屏幕上完全禁用触摸(这是我们可以做的),但我们希望获得更好的用户体验并仅禁用我们绝对需要的手势(类似于禁用 Windows 键, ctrl+alt+del 而不是整个键盘).

Our backup solution is to disable touch altogether when in certain screens (this is something we can do) but we'd like a better user experience and to just disable the gestures that we absolutely need to (similar to disabling the windows key, ctrl+alt+del instead of the whole keyboard).


Initial searches and investigation haven't turned up what we've been looking for so we're either looking for the wrong thing or in the wrong places.


您可以在 Windows 8 Embedded 中禁用手势.也许你可以在 Windows 8 中试试这个.

You can disable gesture in Windows 8 Embedded. Maybe you can try this in Windows 8.



0x01 : Disables left edge input and app switcher gesture.
0x02 : Disables right edge input and charm bar gesture.
0x04 : Disables top edge input and top application bar gesture.
0x08 : Disables bottom edge input and bottom application bar gesture.

如果你想禁用每个手势,只需添加 dword:0000000f (15)

if you want to disables each gesture, just add dword:0000000f (15)

这篇关于是否有禁用 Windows8 手势的方法的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-03 00:50