本文介绍了在Apple Watch上检测到“静音"操作的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


Apple Watch上有一项功能,您可以用手掌遮盖屏幕以使其静音.例如,如果您在会议中接到电话,则可以遮盖手表屏幕以使铃声静音.

There's a feature on Apple Watch where you can cover the screen with your palm to mute it. For example, if you get a call in a meeting, you can cover your watch screen to mute the ring.


I would like to use this feature in an app, but can't find documentation that tells me how to detect this action.


Does anyone know of how to detect this, or perhaps even how I could simulate this? I know multi-touch is out, and don't know how Apple is detecting the face being covered.


当前无法检测到静音或其他手势.手势由系统自动处理;开发人员无法在watchOS 2中访问原始触摸事件或手势.

It's currently not possible to detect Cover to Mute or other gestures. Gestures are automatically handled by the system; there is no developer access to raw touch events or gestures in watchOS 2.

Apple Watch人机界面指南:

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08-06 01:58