



I've granted an internal user permission to query datasets in our Project, under the 'IAM & admin' section.


When the user queries the tables, will the cost of running the queries be billed to the Project's account? Ideally any costs associated with a user running a query would be charged to one central account.Or will the user be charged on their own separate bill?


Does billing work the same using the 'Share Dataset' option instead of adding a user under the IAM section? As in, the user email whom the dataset is shared with will have any related query costs applied to the project owner's account or their own account?


BigQuery 存储费用是通过数据所在项目的计费帐户计费的

BigQuery storage costs are billed to the billing account attached to the project where data resides


Meantime, query charges associated with BigQuery jobs are billed to the billing account attached to the project from which the user runs jobs (query).

如果用户使用 BigQuery UI -您(用户)在顶部的项目列表选择器中看到的项目将针对其中执行的所有查询计费,无论在哪里查询数据实际居住.

If a user uses the BigQuery UI - the project you (user) see in the project list selector on top gets billed for all queries executed within it, no matter where the data that is being queried actually resides.

如果用户使用 API 或任何客户端库-所谓的计费项目是用户需要提供的相应API或客户端方法的一部分

If a user uses API or any client library - so called billing project is a part of respective API or client's method that needs to be provided by user

在此处查看有关角色和权限的更多信息- https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/access-control#permissions_and_roles

For project to be qualified for a user to run queries from, and thus to use it as a billing project, the user must have bigquery.jobs.create permission set in IAM.
See more about roles and permissions here - https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/access-control#permissions_and_roles

使用共享数据集" 选项仅授予用户特定权限以访问各自的数据集

Using the 'Share Dataset' option just gives a user specific permission to have access to respective dataset


Hope this clears your question



09-06 16:33