


The Reasoned Schemer describes how to use miniKanren, which resembles Prolog but is a library for Lisp-like languages. The book's "First Commandment" is this:

除非通过几个大致等效的示例,否则它们实际上并没有定义嵌套.最清楚的是:取消嵌套会将您从(list? (cdr l))转到

They don't really define unnesting, except through a few roughly equivalent example. The clearest is this: unnesting takes you from (list? (cdr l)) to

(fresh (d)
       (cdro l d)
       (listo d))

我不明白为什么需要嵌套.例如,对于上述目标,为什么tp write (listo (cdr l))还不够?

I don't understand why unnesting is needed. For instance, for the above goal, why is it not sufficient tp write (listo (cdr l))?


As described here, I ran raco pkg install minikanren and then defined a few missing pieces.


Here are the definitions of listo and everything it uses it, except for things defined in the minikanren library or in Racket's prelude.

(define listo
  (lambda (l)
     ((nullo l) #s)
     ((pairo l)
      (fresh (d)
             (cdro l d)
             (listo d)))
     (else #u))))

(define nullo
  (lambda (x)
    (== x '())))

(define pairo
  (lambda (p)
    (fresh (a d)
           (conso a d p))))

(define cdro
  (lambda (p d)
    (fresh (a)
           (== (cons a d) p))))

(define conso
  (lambda (head tail result)
    (== (cons head tail) result)))



the term un-nesting means to modify the hierarchy of the structure - or to remove brackets.

刚发现这本书 The Reasoned Schemer 和相关的GitHub 页面,该页面也对此进行了定义:

just found the book The Reasoned Schemer and the associated GitHub page, which also defines it:


08-05 23:50