本文介绍了推送应用更新以存储,但丢失了捆绑 ID、配置文件和证书的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我的公司在应用商店有一款应用.这个app是2016年外包公司做的,和他们的所有联系都被关闭了.现在我需要向此应用推送更新,但我的问题是我没有用于将应用推送到先前存储的捆绑 ID、证书、配置文件.我可以创建新的应用 ID、分发证书和配置文件吗?并使用新的 Bundle Id 将应用推送到商店.这是否会给用户获取更新带来问题.提前致谢.

My Company is having an App on the app store. This app was done by an outsourcing company in 2016 and all the contacts with them is closed. Now I need to push an update to this app, But my problem is I don't have the Bundle Id, Certificate, Profile that are used to push the app to store previously.Can I create a new App ID, Distribution Certificate and Profile and push the app to the store with the new Bundle Id. Will that create problem for the users to get the updates. Thanks in advance.



Summarizing the answer from the comments and my experience after successful updation of the app. Hope it may help someone.

如果我们丢失了所有配置文件、证书、Bundle Id 等,但如果可以访问应用提交到商店的 iTunes 连接帐户,那么我们可以执行以下操作:

If we lost all the profile, certificate, Bundle Id etc, but if the have the access to the iTunes connect account from where the App was submitted to store, then we can do the following:

1) 前往 iTunes connect -> 搜索您的应用程序 -> 您将从详细信息中获取应用程序的 Bundle Id2)我们需要与上次推送中用于生成证书、配置文件的开发者帐户相同的开发者帐户.2.1) 开发者帐户 -> 转到 App ID -> 找到与您从 iTunes 中找到的 Bundle Id 相同的 App Id.2.2) 创建应用商店分发证书2.3) 通过提供我们之前发现的 App Id 创建分发配置文件.

1) Go to iTunes connect -> search for your App -> and you will get the Bundle Id of the App from the details2) We need the same developer account used to generate the cert, profiles in the previous push. 2.1) Developer Account -> Go to App ID -> Find the App Id with the same Bundle Id you found from iTunes. 2.2) Create a App store distribution certificate 2.3) Create a distribution provisioning profile by providing the App Id we found out earlier.

这篇关于推送应用更新以存储,但丢失了捆绑 ID、配置文件和证书的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-05 23:36