本文介绍了iOS App Store bundle 版本比较规则的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我们将把我们应用的新版本上传到 iOS App Store.

We are going to upload new version of our app to iOS App Store.

对于以前的版本,CFBundleShortVersionString 是1.9.2",CFBundleVersion 是1.92.0".对于当前版本,我们将使用 CFBundleShortVersionString:"1.10" 和 CFBundleVersion:"1.100.0".

For previos version CFBundleShortVersionString was "1.9.2" and CFBundleVersion was "1.92.0". For current version we are going to use CFBundleShortVersionString:"1.10" and CFBundleVersion:"1.100.0".

但我们担心 App Store 不会将我们的 1.10 版本检测为新版本.使用 CFBundleVersion:"1.92.0" 时,它不会被识别为比以前的版本旧.

But we afraid if App Store won't detect our 1.10 version as new. Won't it be recognized as older than previos version with CFBundleVersion:"1.92.0".

换句话说,CFBundleVersion:"1.100.0" 会高于 CFBundleVersion:"1.92.0" 吗?

In other words, is CFBundleVersion:"1.100.0" will be higher than CFBundleVersion:"1.92.0" ?

有人知道 Apple 如何比较上传构建的 CFBundleVersion 参数吗?

Does anybody know how Apple compare CFBundleVersion parameter of uploaded builds?



是的,1.100.0 是 > 1.92.0.Apple 使用语义版本控制.

Yes, 1.100.0 is > 1.92.0. Apple uses semantic versioning.


From left to right, as long as none of the numbers are less than the new number, you are good.


For your example, the check goes something along the lines of (pseudo):

var oldVersionSems = "1.92.0".split(".")
var newVersionSems = "1.100.0".split(".")
var maxIndex = MIN(oldVersionSems.length, newVersionSems.length)
var isNewer = false
for (int i = 0; i < maxIndex, i++) {
    isNewer = newVersionSems[i] > oldVersionSems[i].toInt()
    if (isNewer) break

关于语义版本控制如何工作的一个很好的资源是 http://semver.org

A good resource for how semantic versioning works is http://semver.org


  • 2.0.0 > 1.100.0
  • 1.20.0
  • 1.1.0 > 1.0.500
  • 1.92.0

这篇关于iOS App Store bundle 版本比较规则的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-05 23:13