

当我为非成员函数尝试相同的重载时,编译器(VS2010 Express)抱怨链接器错误.


When I overload a class''s member function solely on the const qualifier of the parameter (which is a different class''s member function pointer), the compiler resolves the overload and performs as expected.
When I attempt the same overload for a non-member function, the compiler (VS2010 Express) complains of linker errors.

Does anyone know why ?


#pragma once

#include "targetver.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <iostream>

struct Component
	int Execute(bool X) { return 0; }

	int ConstExecute(bool X) const { return 0; }

struct Tester
	void Con( int (Component::*MFP)(bool) )
	{ std::cout << "Tester::Con Passed Non-Const MFP\n"; };

	void Con( int (Component::*MFP)(bool) const )
	{ std::cout << "Tester::Con Passed Const MFP\n"; };

void Con( int (Component::*MFP)(bool) )
{ std::cout << "Con Passed Non-Const MFP\n"; };

void Con( int (Component::*MFP)(bool) const )
{ std::cout << "Con Passed Const MFP\n"; };


#include "Header.h"

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	// In Main
	Tester MyTester;
	MyTester.Con( &Component::Execute );
	MyTester.Con( &Component::ConstExecute );

	Con( &Component::Execute );
        // LNK2005: Con(int (__thiscall Component::*)(bool) already defined
	Con( &Component::ConstExecute );
        // LNK2005: Con(int (__thiscall Component::*)(bool)const ) already defined

	char X;
	std::cin >> X;
	return 0;

"Tester :: Con通过了非常量MFP"
"Tester :: Con通过了Const MFP"

Commenting out the calls to the non-member Con Function produces:
"Tester::Con Passed Non-Const MFP"
"Tester::Con Passed Const MFP"
as expected.


inline void Con( int (Component::*MFP)(bool) )
{ std::cout << "Con Passed Non-Const MFP\n"; };

inline void Con( int (Component::*MFP)(bool) const )
{ std::cout << "Con Passed Const MFP\n"; };


The inline keyword makes the compiler essentially copy and paste the function code everywhere the function is called, without defining an actual function. This is a bit of a hack up, but works.


08-05 22:52