

是用于生成要通过以下方式注入CDI bean的Logger的类:

LoggerProducer.java is a class used to produce Loggers to be injected in CDI beans with:

Logger LOG;


import javax.ejb.Singleton;

 * @author rveldpau
public class LoggerProducer {

    private Map<String, Logger> loggers = new HashMap<>();

    public Logger getProducer(InjectionPoint ip) {
        String key = getKeyFromIp(ip);
        if (!loggers.containsKey(key)) {
            loggers.put(key, Logger.getLogger(key));
        return loggers.get(key);

    private String getKeyFromIp(InjectionPoint ip) {
        return ip.getMember().getDeclaringClass().getCanonicalName();

问题:可以 @Singleton 可以安全地转换为 @ApplicationScoped 吗?

QUESTION: can @Singleton be safely turned into @ApplicationScoped ?


I mean, why would anyone want an EJB here ? Are there technical reasons, since no transactions are involved, and (AFAIK) it would be thread-safe anyway ?


默认情况下, @Singleton 注释不仅提供事务处理,而且还提供线程安全性。因此,如果将其替换为 @ApplicationScoped ,则会失去同步。因此,为了使其正确运行,您需要执行以下操作:

The @Singleton annotation provides not only transaction but also thread-safety by default. So if you will replace it with @ApplicationScoped, you will loose the synchronization. So in order to make it properly you need to do like this:

public class LoggerProducer {

   private final ConcurrentMap<String, Logger> loggers = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

   public Logger getProducer(InjectionPoint ip) {
      String key = getKeyFromIp(ip);
      loggers.putIfAbsent(key, Logger.getLogger(key));
      return loggers.get(key);

   private String getKeyFromIp(InjectionPoint ip) {
     return ip.getMember().getDeclaringClass().getCanonicalName();


Also you can make it completely without any scope if you make the map as static


08-05 22:44