


我想确认时,数据集的ReadXml使用加载在其表中的所有列,即使它们是数字或日期视为字符串,这就是为什么在ID ASC为了1000 999之前来了。

此外,指明MyDate标签有日期,格式为2011年1月31日(MM / DD / YYYY),似乎排序wroking罚款的日期。会按日期排序总是工作,即使数据集表指明MyDate列类型的字符串(假设我的上述说法是正确的)?


  dvView = .Tables(0).DefaultView
  dvView.Sort =ID ASC'ID是数
  随着** **数据网格是的DataGrid
        .DataSource = dvView
        .DataKeyField =ID这是数




Following is the code which gets xml data from web service and then dataset reads using ReadXml method. This Xml has ID and MyDate tags for each table row (so table(0) will have ID and MyDate columns) and this Xml data does not have schema associated with it. When page is loaded first time, it sorts by ID in asc order. It was working until ID was 999. When next ID came as 1000, even in ID asc, 1000 is showing before 999 in datagrid.

I wanted to confirm that when dataset is loaded using ReadXml, all the columns in its table are treated as string even they are numbers or dates and that's why in ID asc order 1000 is coming before 999.

Also, MyDate tag has date in format "01/31/2011" (mm/dd/yyyy) and it seems that sorting is wroking fine for date. Would sorting by date always work even when dataset table MyDate column is of type string (assuming that my above statement is correct)?

Are my two above assumptions correct?

 stream = New System.IO.StringReader(XML data returned from web service)
  With dataset
  dvView = .Tables(0).DefaultView
  dvView.Sort = "ID asc" 'ID is number
  With **datagrid** 'it is DataGrid
        .DataSource = dvView
        .DataKeyField = "ID" 'this is number

Use the following:

DataSet1.ReadXml(stringReader, XmlReadMode.InferTypedSchema);


08-05 22:38