


What is the precise promise/guarantee the Haskell language provides with respect to referential transparency? At least the Haskell report does not mention this notion.




And I want to know whether or not this expression is 1. For my safety, I will do perform this twice:

( (7^7^7`mod`5`mod`2)==1, [False,True]!!(7^7^7`mod`5`mod`2) )

现在为(True,False)提供GHCi 7.4.1.

which now gives (True,False) with GHCi 7.4.1.


Evidently, this expression is now referentially opaque. How can I tell whether or not a program is subject to such behavior? I can inundate the program with :: all over but that does not make it very readable. Is there any other class of Haskell programs in between that I miss? That is between a fully annotated and an unannotated one?


(Apart from the only somewhat related question I found on SO there must be something else on this)



The problem is overloading, which does indeed sort of violate referential transparency. You have no idea what something like (+) does in Haskell; it depends on the type.

在Haskell程序中不受限制的数字类型时,编译器将使用默认类型来选择一些合适的类型.这是为了方便起见,通常不会引起任何意外.但是在这种情况下,确实引起了意外.在ghc中,您可以使用-fwarn-type-defaults来查看编译器何时使用默认值为您选择类型.您还可以将default ()行添加到模块中,以停止所有默认设置.

When a numeric type is unconstrained in a Haskell program the compiler uses type defaulting to pick some suitable type. This is for convenience, and usually doesn't lead to any surprises. But in this case it did lead to a surprise. In ghc you can use -fwarn-type-defaults to see when the compiler has used defaulting to pick a type for you. You can also add the line default () to your module to stop all defaulting.


08-27 13:06