本文介绍了在Windows 8上运行IE8的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


好的,显然我需要这个用于开发目的。 IE10上的兼容性视图(f12)不适用于此,因为它不会读取媒体查询的respond.js或HTML5标签的html5.js ..

我需要在Windows 8上运行的真正的IE8。但我无法运行VM,因为它崩溃了我的电脑,我甚至无法在运行时连接到互联网。 VirtualBox是我正在使用的虚拟机。我不想使用虚拟机......

是否有为IE10添加的东西?我刚买了这台价值1000美元的Windows 8笔记本电脑并完全后悔,因为它在开发时给了我很多问题。我不想买mac ..我准备购买一台基于linux的计算机,仅用于开发。但我真的只是坚持使用我买的这台昂贵的笔记本电脑。


Ok I need this for development purposes obviously. Compatibility view (f12) on IE10 DOES NOT work for this because it will not read respond.js for media queries or html5.js for HTML5 tags..

I need the "real" IE8 to run on Windows 8. BUT I can not run VM either because it crashes my computer and I can't even connect to the internet while it's running. VirtualBox is the vm I'm using. I DO NOT want to use a vm...

Is there any add on made for IE10 or something? I just bought this stupid $1,000 Windows 8 laptop and totally regret it since it gives me so many problems when developing. I don't want to buy a mac.. I'm ready to buy a linux based computer solely for development. But I really rather just stick with this expensive laptop I bought.

Is there any workaround at all?..


这篇关于在Windows 8上运行IE8的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-05 22:11