




I have the Sign Bit, Exponent and Mantissa (as shown in the code below). I'm trying to take this value and turn it into the float. The goal of this is to get 59.98 (it'll read as 59.9799995)

uint32_t FullBinaryValue = (Converted[0] << 24) | (Converted[1] << 16) |
                            (Converted[2] << 8) | (Converted[3]);

unsigned int sign_bit = (FullBinaryValue & 0x80000000);
unsigned int exponent = (FullBinaryValue & 0x7F800000) >> 23;
unsigned int mantissa = (FullBinaryValue & 0x7FFFFF);


What I originally tried doing is just placing them bit by bit, where they should be as so:

float number = (sign_bit << 32) | (exponent << 24) | (mantissa);


然后我要使用公式:1.mantissa + 2^(exponent-127),但是不能在二进制数中放置小数位.

I was then going to use the formula: 1.mantissa + 2^(exponent-127) but you can't put a decimal place in a binary number.


Then I tried grabbing each individual value for (exponent, characteristic, post mantissa) and I got

Characteristic: 0x3B (Decimal: 59)
Mantissa: 0x6FEB85 (Decimal: 7334789)
Exponent: 0x5 (Decimal: 5) This is after subtracting it from 127


I was then going to take these numbers and just retrofit it into a printf. But I don't know how to convert the Mantissa hexadecimal into how it's supposed to be (powered to a negative exponent).


编辑PAUL R 这是最小,完整和可验证格式的代码.我在其中添加uint8_t Converted[4]只是因为它是我最终得到的值,并且使它可运行.

EDIT FOR PAUL RHere is the code in Minimal, Complete and Verifable format.I added the uint8_t Converted[4] there just because it is the value I end up with and it makes it runnable.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    uint8_t Converted[4];
    Converted[0] = 0x42;
    Converted[1] = 0x6f;
    Converted[2] = 0xEB;
    Converted[3] = 0x85;

    uint32_t FullBinaryValue = (Converted[0] << 24) | (Converted[1] << 16) |
                                (Converted[2] << 8) | (Converted[3]);

    unsigned int sign_bit = (FullBinaryValue & 0x80000000);
    unsigned int exponent = (FullBinaryValue & 0x7F800000) >> 23;
    unsigned int mantissa = (FullBinaryValue & 0x7FFFFF);

    float number = (sign_bit) | (exponent << 23) | (mantissa);

    return 0;


问题是表达式float number = (sign_bit << 32) | (exponent << 24) | (mantissa);首先计算unsigned int,然后将该值转换为float.基本类型之间的转换将保留值,而不是内存表示形式.您试图做的是将内存表示形式重新解释为另一种类型.您可以使用 reinterpret_cast .

The problem is that the expression float number = (sign_bit << 32) | (exponent << 24) | (mantissa); first computes an unsigned int and then casts that value to float. Casting between fundamental types will preserve the value rather than the memory representation. What you are trying to do is reinterpret the memory representation as a different type. You can use reinterpret_cast.


uint32_t FullBinaryValue = (Converted[0] << 24) | (Converted[1] << 16) |
                           (Converted[2] << 8) | (Converted[3]);

float number = reinterpret_cast<float&>(FullBinaryValue);


08-05 21:54