

本文介绍了比较 Excel 中的多个数据列表以查找相关数据的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I thought I knew where to start with this but sadly I it's been long enough to where I need some assistance. First of all what I am working with is four lists of product data that I need to compare against my own product data.


So for example each of the product lists contain the following data:

Product Category
Product Name
Product Price


Each of the lists have at least a thousand records.


What I need is a fifth list that tells me which of the competitors products I don't have on my list.


Last but not least and where this gets trickier is that the inventory contains duplicate records.


Its hard for me even to construct this question as I spend time with it.


What I want though is a list of products that are shared by all of the competitors that I do NOT have on my product list.



If you are familiar with PivotTables perhaps the multiple-consolidation ranges option could be used to suit your needs...

  1. 通过访问数据透视表向导对话框(快捷键:Alt+D+P)选择多合并范围选项,然后在类似于下图的对话框中输入设置.数据显示在同一张纸上,但同样可以存储在不同的纸上,甚至是封闭的工作簿中.

  1. Select the multiple-consolidation ranges option by accessing the PivotTable wizard dialog (Shortcut: Alt+D+P) then enter settings in the dialog similar to below. The data is shown on the same sheet but could equally be stored in different sheets or even closed workbooks.

重新排列列并将产品名称分组为匹配"和不匹配",如图所示.有几种方法可以自动分组,最简单的可能是在数据透视表旁边添加一个计数列并过滤有 4 个项目的行,然后您可以通过按 Alt+ 选择行字段中的可见项目;并选择组选项.将此组重命名为Matched",然后在计数列中过滤少于 4 个项目并将该组重命名为Unmatched"

Rearrange columns and group product names into "Matched" and "Unmatched" as shown. There are several methods to automate the grouping, the simplest is probably to add a count column beside the pivottable and filter on rows where there are 4 items, then you can select visible items in the row field by pressing Alt+; and choose the group option. Rename this group "Matched", then filter for less than 4 items in the count column and rename the group "Unmatched"

现在您可以使用简单的 vlookup 或其他方式将所有匹配的产品名称与您自己的列表进行比较.

Now you can compare all matched product names with your own list using a simple vlookup or otherwise.

这篇关于比较 Excel 中的多个数据列表以查找相关数据的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-05 21:53