




After a couple of days trying I have admitted defeat. I am working in Excel and want to automatically draft an email in a specific format. I have search on here and google and can't find anything where an email is in this format: -

  • 单词
  • 图片
  • 单词
  • 图片
  • 单词
  • 签名


I have found ones that are words, image, image and signature which i have used to build mine.


This is how it is appearing with what i am doing: -



I have left in all the things I have tried as commented out sections.

 Sub EmailGenerate()

 Dim objOutApp As Object, objOutMail As Object
 Dim strBody As String, strSig As String, strEnd As String, strBody2 As String
 Dim rng As Range, rng2 As Range
 Dim r As Long, r2 As Long
 Dim wdDoc As Word.Document
 Dim Selection As Word.Selection
 Dim Selection2 As Word.Selection

 r = shEmail.Cells(Rows.Count, 15).End(xlUp).Row
 Set rng = shEmail.Range("K1:" & Cells(r, 21).Address)

 r2 = shEmail.Cells(Rows.Count, 23).End(xlUp).Row
 Set rng2 = shEmail.Range("W1:" & Cells(r2, 29).Address)

 Set objOutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
 Set objOutMail = objOutApp.CreateItem(0)
 Set wdDoc = objOutMail.GetInspector.WordEditor

 With objOutMail
 'If sent on behalf of another email address
' .SentOnBehalfOfName = ""
 'Setting the email conditions
 .To = shEmail.Cells(1, 2).Value
 .CC = shEmail.Cells(2, 2).Value
 .BCC = ""
 'Checks all email names
 .Subject = shEmail.Cells(4, 2).Value
 'This must be visible to get the default signature
 'Get the html code from the signature
 strSig = .htmlbody
 'This is what the email body should say

' rng.Copy
' wdDoc.Application.Selection.Start = Len(strBody)
' wdDoc.Application.Selection.End = wdDoc.Application.Selection.Start
' wdDoc.Application.Selection.PasteAndFormat (wdChartPicture)
' wdDoc.Content.InsertParagraphAfter
' rng2.Copy
' wdDoc.Application.Selection.Start = Len(strBody) + Len(strBody2)
' wdDoc.Application.Selection.End = wdDoc.Application.Selection.Start
' wdDoc.Application.Selection.PasteAndFormat (wdChartPicture)

' rng1.Copy
' wdDoc.Paragraphs(2).Range.PasteSpecial , , , , wdPasteBitmap

 wdDoc.Paragraphs(2).Range.PasteSpecial , , , , wdPasteBitmap

 strBody = "<Body style=font-size:11pt;font-family:Calibri>" & shEmail.Cells(5, 2).Value & "</p>" & _
 "<p>" & "</p>" & _
 "<p>" & shEmail.Cells(6, 2).Value & "</p>" & _
 "<p>" & shEmail.Cells(7, 2).Value & "</p>" & _
 "<p>" & "</p>" & _
 "<p>" & shEmail.Cells(8, 2).Value & "</p>"

strBody2 = "<Body style=font-size:11pt;font-family:Calibri>" & shEmail.Cells(10, 2).Value & "</p>" & _
 "<p>" & "</p>"

 wdDoc.Paragraphs(1).Range.PasteSpecial , , , , wdPasteBitmap

 objOutMail.htmlbody = strBody2 & _

' rng2.Copy
' wdDoc.Application.Selection.Start = Len(strBody) + Len(strBody2)
' wdDoc.Application.Selection.End = wdDoc.Application.Selection.Start
' wdDoc.Application.Selection.PasteAndFormat (wdChartPicture)

 'Combines the email with image and the signature
 objOutMail.htmlbody = strBody & _

 'Automatically sends the email, should pop up briefly.

 End With

 On Error GoTo 0
 Set objOutMail = Nothing
 Set objOutApp = Nothing

End Sub


rng is the larger table and rng2 is the smaller table.


.Cells(5,2) through to (8,2) go before rng and (10,2) goes after rng and before rng2 then (12,2) would go after rng2 and before the signature.




请尝试下一种方法.很难将 WordEditor 与html混合使用,至少,我没有这样做,因为我不知道如何/是否可以做到这一点.您需要的所有内容(我都知道)都可以使用 WordEditor 对象或使用 PropertyAccessor 的html完成并链接到图片路径.我仅在您改编的代码中使用 WordEditor :

Please, try the next approach. It is difficult to mix WordEditor with html, at least, I did not do it an I do not know how/if it can be done. Everything (I understood) you need can be done using WordEditor object or html using PropertyAccessor and link to picture paths. I am using in your adapted code only WordEditor:

Sub EmailGenerate()
 Dim objOutApp As Object, objOutMail As Object
 Dim rng As Range, rng2 As Range, shEmail As Worksheet
 Dim r As Long, r2 As Long
 Dim wdDoc As Word.document, wdRange As Word.Range

 Set shEmail = ActiveSheet 'use here your necessary sheet

 r = shEmail.cells(Rows.count, 15).End(xlUp).row
 Set rng = shEmail.Range("K1:" & cells(r, 21).Address)

 r2 = shEmail.cells(Rows.count, 23).End(xlUp).row
 Set rng2 = shEmail.Range("W1:" & cells(r2, 29).Address)

 Set objOutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
 Set objOutMail = objOutApp.CreateItem(0)
 Set wdDoc = objOutMail.GetInspector.WordEditor

 With objOutMail
    'If sent on behalf of another email address
    '.SentOnBehalfOfName = ""
    'Setting the email conditions
    .To = shEmail.cells(1, 2).Value
    .cc = shEmail.cells(2, 2).Value
    .BCC = ""
    'Checks all email names
    .subject = shEmail.cells(4, 2).Value
    'This must be visible to get the default signature
    .display 'Please, look here if its appearance is what you need.

    'Declare the string variables to be used:
    Dim strFrst As String, strSec As String, strThird As String, strF As String

    'Give values to the strings (they can take the values from the sheet...)
    strFrst = "Hello All!" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
    strSec = "Please, receive the picture you requested:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
    strThird = "And the second picture is following:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
    strF = "The last necessary string is here..." & vbCrLf

    'Write the first two text lines:________________
    wdDoc.Paragraphs(1).Range.InsertAfter (strFrst)
    wdDoc.Paragraphs(2).Range.InsertAfter (vbCrLf) 'insert an empty line
    wdDoc.Paragraphs(3).Range.InsertAfter (strSec)

    'Embed the first picture__________________________________________
    wdDoc.Paragraphs(5).Range.PasteSpecial , , , , wdPasteBitmap

    wdDoc.Paragraphs(5).Range.InsertAfter (vbCrLf) 'empty line after first picture

    'insert the third string:_______________________
    wdDoc.Paragraphs(6).Range.InsertAfter (strThird)

    'Embed the second picture___________________________________
    wdDoc.Paragraphs(8).Range.PasteSpecial , , , , wdPasteBitmap

    'insert the fourth string:__________________
    wdDoc.Paragraphs(8).Range.InsertAfter (strF)

    'Automatically sends the email, should pop up briefly.
 End With
End Sub


Please, test it and send some feedback.


08-05 21:34