我正在使用asp.net 2005和2010中的报表服务来显示我的报表.但现在有一天,我
I am using reporting services in asp.net 2005 and 2010 for show my reports. But now a days i am
facing a problem. I need to generate columns as dynamically. i will give an example below.
i need to generate a salary slip of all the employee, in this case first column is employee registration number, second is employee name, third is employee designation and department, these columns are fixed. the remaining are allowance like basic, hra etc and deductions like PF, ESI etc. i cant able to fix these allowance and deductions, this are varying for each month.
So is it any solution for generate these columns as dynamic in reporting services.
Those columns as visible. values are calculated by stored procedure. that Stored procedure return a table. actually i need to display exactly the table return by stored procedure. the thing is that the column of the table return by the Stored procedure is dynamic.