strcmp(textread([mfilename'.m'],'%s ',1,'commentstyle','matlab'),'function')
请记住,该代码需要从有问题的m文件中运行,而不是当然,从一个单独的功能文件。如果你想做一个通用的函数( ie 测试任何m文件),只需将所需的文件名字符串传递给 textread
函数y = isfunction(x)
y = strcmp(textread([x' '],'%s',1,'commentstyle','matlab'),'function')
为了使此功能更加强大,您还可以添加错误处理代码,以验证m文件实际存在,然后再尝试 textread
Can you determine at runtime if the executed code is running as a function or a script? If yes, what is the recommended method?
+1 for a very interesting question.
I can think of a way of determining that. Parse the executed m-file itself and check the first word in the first non-trivial non-comment line. If it's the function
keyword, it's a function file. If it's not, it's a script.Here's a neat one-liner:
strcmp(textread([mfilename '.m'], '%s', 1, 'commentstyle', 'matlab'), 'function')
The resulting value should be 1 if it's a function file, and 0 if it's a script.
Keep in mind that this code needs to be run from the m-file in question, and not from a separate function file, of course. If you want to make a generic function out of that (i.e one that tests any m-file), just pass the desired file name string to textread
, like so:
function y = isfunction(x)
y = strcmp(textread([x '.m'], '%s', 1, 'commentstyle', 'matlab'), 'function')
To make this function more robust, you can also add error-handling code that verifies that the m-file actually exists before attempting to textread