本文介绍了Zend Framework 生成唯一字符串的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想生成一个唯一的 4-6 个字符长的 AlphaNumeric 字符串,以便与每个记录(用户)一起保存在 db 中.db 字段具有唯一索引,因此尝试保存预先存在的字符串会产生错误.现在我正在生成一个随机字符串并使用 try-catch,因此在添加新记录时,如果它抛出异常,我会生成另一个随机字符串并尝试再次保存,并且代码不断尝试,直到成功添加记录.整个解决方案不仅看起来沉重而且丑陋,所以我想改变它.我对优雅的解决方案感兴趣,因此欢迎提供任何帮助/指导.

I want to generate a unique 4-6 char long AlphaNumeric string to save in db with each record(user). The db field has a unique index, so trying to save a pre-existing string generates an error. Right now I am generating a random string and using try-catch, so when adding a new record if it throws an exception, I generate another random string and attempt to save again, and the code keep trying until it adds a record successfully. This whole solution not only looks heavy but also ugly, so I want to change it. I am interested in an elegant solution, so any help/guidance is welcome.



  • id 必须是唯一的
  • id 不能是数字
  • id 不能代表一个连续的系列
  • 用户不会输入id

PHP 函数 uniqid 正是您所需要的.虽然它返回一个 13 个字符长的十六进制值.

The PHP function uniqid is exactly what you need. Though it returns a 13 character long hexadecimal value.

** 编辑 **

是的,uniqid 会返回一个连续的数字,但我们可以轻松解决这个问题.考虑这个代码

Yes, uniqid will return a seamingly sequential number, but we can get around this easily. Consider this code

class IDGenerator {
   //const BIT_MASK = '01110011';

   static public function generate() {

      $id = uniqid();

      $id = base_convert($id, 16, 2);
      $id = str_pad($id, strlen($id) + (8 - (strlen($id) % 8)), '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);

      $chunks = str_split($id, 8);
      //$mask = (int) base_convert(IDGenerator::BIT_MASK, 2, 10);

      $id = array();
      foreach ($chunks as $key => $chunk) {
         //$chunk = str_pad(base_convert(base_convert($chunk, 2, 10) ^ $mask, 10, 2), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
         if ($key & 1) {  // odd
            array_unshift($id, $chunk);
         } else {         // even
            array_push($id, $chunk);

      return base_convert(implode($id), 2, 36);

echo IDGenerator::generate();




Since there is nothing added or modified, except shuffling the bits around, there should not be any duplicated values and everything seems random. Voilà!

自从它最初发布以来,我就更新了这段代码.您可能会找到修订版 这里

I update this piece of code since the time it was originally posted. You may find the revised version here

这篇关于Zend Framework 生成唯一字符串的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-05 21:07