本文介绍了javafxports'android'gradle任务需要"Android支持库"哪些已从Android SDK Manager中退役...现在如何?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


Android构建先决条件中的官方Gluon文档 :

The official Gluon docs say in the prerequisites for an Android build:

但是,这似乎已从sdk管理器中淘汰,代替了gradle储存库"Android Support储存库". javafxports插件显然仍在android SDK中寻找旧的支持库文件夹,如错误所示:

However, it seems that this is retired from the sdk manager in lieu of the "Android Support Repository", a gradle repository. The javafxports plugin is apparently still looking for the old support library folder in the android SDK, as indicated by the error:

Cannot expand ZIP '<my AppData path>\Local\Android\sdk\extras\android\support\multidex\library\libs\android-support-multidex.jar' as it does not exist

具有此stackoverflow答案 ,表明sdk不再在此安装,即使在sdk管理器中选中了过时"也是如此.我们如何在运行"android"构建任务时获取javafxports gradle插件来查找支持库?当然,我们可以手动将其移到那里,但这对于与构建服务器或开发团队一起使用来说确实是一个非常丑陋的过程...

which has this stackoverflow answer, indicating the sdk doesn't install it there anymore, even with "Obsolete" checked in the sdk manager. How can we get the javafxports gradle plugin to find the support library while it runs the 'android' build task? Sure we could manually move it there, but that'd be a really ugly process for using with a build server or dev team...



So far (current release version 1.2.0), the jfxmobile plugin has been working with the obsolete Android Support Library.

正如Joeri Sykora所说,现在它不仅已经过时,而且不再可供下载,其中有一个快照,其中包含使用新的支持存储库的修复程序.

As now it is not only obsolete but not available any more for download, as Joeri Sykora commented, there is a snapshot available with a fix to use the new Support Repository.


Until release version 1.3.0 is out, you can use it providing you refer the repository to download this snapshot, so there is no need to download, build or install manually the plugin:

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url 'https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots'
    dependencies {
        classpath 'org.javafxports:jfxmobile-plugin:1.3.0-SNAPSHOT'

如果您已安装了Android SDK Manager Extras/Google存储库,此方法将起作用:检查此文件夹的Android SDK路径:ANDROID_HOME/extras/google/m2repository Extras/Android支持存储库:检查ANDROID_HOME/extras/android/m2repository/com/android/support/multidex/1.0.1/multidex-1.0.1.aar

This will work if you have installed with the Android SDK Manager Extras/Google Repository: check your Android sdk path for this folder: ANDROID_HOME/extras/google/m2repository, and the Extras/Android Support Repository: check for ANDROID_HOME/extras/android/m2repository/com/android/support/multidex/1.0.1/multidex-1.0.1.aar


And don't forget to apply the changes in the build script to your gradle project (Sync button on top-left of Gradle window in IntelliJ).

这篇关于javafxports'android'gradle任务需要"Android支持库"哪些已从Android SDK Manager中退役...现在如何?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-05 20:53