看起来像Hadoop ,需要一些解决方法。
hadoop 成为
如果 hadoop 依赖项应该放在编译类路径中,但不放在胖Jar中,那么您需要添加像 sourceSets.main.compileClasspath + = configurations.provided 。
PS:你的胖Jar任务需要要打包 configurations.runtime 而不是 configurations.compile 和 doFirst {$应删除c $ c>行(以及相应的右大括号)。
I got a Scalding (a hadoop abstraction layer in Scala) project that I'm trying to build using Gradle.
Looks like Hadoop became a provided dependency in latest releases and it requires some workaround.
So I patched my build.gradle script like so:
apply plugin: 'scala' apply plugin: 'idea' configurations { provided } sourceSets { main { compileClasspath += configurations.provided } } repositories { mavenLocal() mavenCentral() maven{ url 'http://conjars.org/repo/' } } ext.cascadingVersion = '2.1.6' ext.hadoopVersion = '1.1.2' dependencies { compile 'org.scala-lang:scala-compiler:2.9.2' compile 'org.scala-lang:scala-library:2.9.2' compile 'bixo:bixo-core:0.9.1' compile 'org.testng:testng:6.8.7' testCompile 'org.scala-tools.testing:specs:' compile( 'com.twitter:scalding_2.9.2:0.8.1' ) compile( group: 'cascading', name: 'cascading-core', version: cascadingVersion ) compile( group: 'cascading', name: 'cascading-hadoop', version: cascadingVersion ) provided "org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-client:${hadoopVersion}" } jar { description = "Assembles a Hadoop-ready JAR file" doFirst { into( 'lib' ) { from configurations.compile } } manifest { attributes( "Main-Class": "com.Crawler" ) } }Which I thought would solve the problem. But I keep getting the following error at when trying to build:
[ant:scalac] Element '/Users/tkmafj4/Projects/AIT/Crawler/build/resources/main' does not exist. [ant:scalac] scala.tools.nsc.symtab.Types$TypeError: class file needed by Source is missing. [ant:scalac] reference value hadoop of package org.apache refers to nonexisting symbol.Which looks a lot like there's something missing in my configuration.
How can I check that sources are being fetched?
What is the proper workaround to get this to compile?
解决方案hadoop becoming a "provided" dependency of cascading means that depending on cascading will no longer pull in hadoop, because hadoop is meant to be provided by the target environment or by whoever creates the ultimate deployable archive. If the hadoop dependency needs to go into your fat Jar, you need to make it (at least) a runtime dependency. But since there appears to be some problem with compilation, I'd try to make it a compile dependency.
If the hadoop dependency should go on the compile class path but not into the fat Jar, you'll need to add something like sourceSets.main.compileClasspath += configurations.provided.
PS: Your fat Jar task needs to package configurations.runtime rather than configurations.compile, and the doFirst { line (as well as the corresponding closing brace) should be removed.