

本文介绍了如何使用Dagger在Retrofit2 Android中动态传递不同的URL的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


  1. ApplicationClass 中,我传递了一个URL,并在

  2. 现在我想传递 ActUpcomingEvents 另一个不同于

  3. 如何实现此目的

  1. In the ApplicationClass I'm passing one url and i use it inActLogin.java
  2. Now I want to pass ActUpcomingEvents another url different thanActLogin.java
  3. How to achieve this


public class NetModule {

    String mBaseUrl;
    Application mApplication;

    // Constructor needs one parameter to instantiate.
    public NetModule(String baseUrl, Application application) {
        this.mBaseUrl = baseUrl;
        this.mApplication = application;

    // Dagger will only look for methods annotated with @Provides
    // Application reference must come from AppModule.class
    SharedPreferences providesSharedPreferences(Application application) {
        return PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(application);

    Cache provideOkHttpCache(Application application) {
        int cacheSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024; // 10 MiB
        Cache cache = new Cache(application.getCacheDir(), cacheSize);
        return cache;

    Gson provideGson() {
        GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder();
        return gsonBuilder.create();

    OkHttpClient provideOkHttpClient(Cache cache) {
        OkHttpClient.Builder client = new OkHttpClient.Builder();
        client.addInterceptor(new RequestInterceptor(mApplication));
        client.readTimeout(Keys.READ_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        client.connectTimeout(Keys.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        client.writeTimeout(Keys.WRITE_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        return client.build();

    @Provides @Named("auth")
    Retrofit provideRetrofit(Gson gson, OkHttpClient okHttpClient) {
        Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
        return retrofit;



public class AppModule {
    Application mApplication;

    public AppModule(Application mApplication) {
        this.mApplication = mApplication;

    Application provideApplication() {
        return mApplication;


public class SessionModule {

    Application mApplication;

    public SessionModule(Application mApplication) {
        this.mApplication = mApplication;

    // Application reference must come from AppModule.class
    CaringSession providesCaringSession() {
        return new CaringSession(mApplication);


@Component(modules = {AppModule.class,NetModule.class,SessionModule.class})
public interface NetComponent {
    void inject(ActUpcomingEvents activity);
    void inject(ActLogin activity);


public class CaringApp extends Application {

    static CaringApp appInstance;
    public static final String TAG = CaringApp.class.getSimpleName();
    private NetComponent mNetComponent;
    ANRWatchDog anrWatchDog = new ANRWatchDog(2000);
    private RxBus bus;

    private static CaringSession mSession;

    public void onCreate() {
        appInstance = this;
        mSession = new CaringSession(appInstance);
        //Initialize the crashlytics
        //Initialize the watch dog
        //Initialize retrofit
        //Rx Bus Init

    public RxBus getBus() {
        return bus;

    private void initAnrWatchDog() {
        anrWatchDog.setANRListener(new ANRWatchDog.ANRListener() {
            public void onAppNotResponding(ANRError error) {
                Log.e("ANR-Watchdog", "Detected Application Not Responding!");

                // Some tools like ACRA are serializing the exception, so we must make sure the exception serializes correctly
                try {
                    new ObjectOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream()).writeObject(error);
                catch (IOException ex) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(ex);
                Crashlytics.logException(new RuntimeException(error.getStackTrace().toString()));
                Crashlytics.log(Log.ERROR, "ANR-LOG", error.getStackTrace().toString());
                Log.i("ANR-Watchdog", "Error was successfully serialized");

                throw error;


    /**************** Init  ****************/
    /** Init retrofit **/
    private void retrofitInit() {
            mNetComponent = DaggerNetComponent.builder()
                    .appModule(new AppModule(this))
                    .netModule(new NetModule(Keys.BASE_URL,this))
                    .sessionModule(new SessionModule(getAppInstance()))
        }catch(Exception ex){

    /** Init crashlytics **/
    private void initCrashlytics() {
        Fabric.with(this, new Crashlytics());
    /**************** Init  ****************/

    /**************** Getters ****************/
    /** Net component **/
    public NetComponent getNetComponent() {
        return mNetComponent;

    /** App Instance **/
    public static CaringApp getAppInstance() {
        if (appInstance == null) {
            appInstance = new CaringApp();
        return appInstance;

    public static CaringSession getmSession() {
        return mSession;
    /**************** Getters ****************/


class ActLogin : AppCompatActivity(), IntDataLogin {

 @set:Inject var retrofit: Retrofit? = null

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        (application as CaringApp).netComponent.inject(this)



不幸的是,必须使用 baseUrl 初始化改造(当前版本2.5.0 ),此后无法更改。但是,在接口端点定义中,您可以传递 @Url 带注释的参数(请参阅Nanda Z的先前答案),也可以使用 @Named 创建多个Retrofit实例(具有不同的baseUrl)。 >注释),这将由Dagger提供。例如:

Unfortunately, retrofit (current version 2.5.0) has to be initialized with a baseUrl, which can't be changed afterwards. However, in your interface endpoints definition you can pass @Url annotated param (see previous answer from Nanda Z) or you can created multiple Retrofit instances (with different baseUrl, using @Named annotation) which will be provided by Dagger. For instance:

Retrofit provideRetrofit1(Gson gson, OkHttpClient okHttpClient) {
    Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
    return retrofit;

Retrofit provideRetrofit2(Gson gson, OkHttpClient okHttpClient) {
    Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
    return retrofit;


And for injecting you have to use proper @Named annotation as well.

@Named("myCoolRetrofitInstance1") // or @Named("myCoolRetrofitInstance2")
lateinit var retforit: Retforit

这篇关于如何使用Dagger在Retrofit2 Android中动态传递不同的URL的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-05 20:24