


I tried the below, but Eclipse throws an error for this.

while((s.charAt(j)== null)

检查字符是否为 null ?

What's the correct way of checking whether a character is null?


检查字符串 s 不是 null String#charAt返回的字符是原始的 char 类型,永远不会是 null

Check that the String s is not null before doing any character checks. The characters returned by String#charAt are primitive char types and will never be null:

if (s != null) {

如果您尝试一次处理一个 String 中的字符,您可以使用:

If you're trying to process characters from String one at a time, you can use:

for (char c: s.toCharArray()) {
   // do stuff with char c

(与 C 不同, NULL 终止符检查不是用Java完成的。)

(Unlike C, NULL terminator checking is not done in Java.)


08-20 12:08