



这是我的code柜面用户忘记了密码重置用户密码。该数据是通过AJAX请求发送到PHP code和PHP code简单地呼应了Y或N根据输入的有效性。

现在的问题是,Ajax调用不会在Firefox 19和IE 9的工作我还没有在其他版本的IE浏览器尝试。 Ajax调用在Chrome和Safari正常工作。有没有人经历过同样的问题?任何人都可以帮助吗?


 <冠军>忘了密码? < /标题>

    &所述;脚本的src =的http://$c$c.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js>&所述; /脚本>
    <脚本类型=文/ JavaScript的SRC =htt​​p://jzaefferer.github.com/jquery-验证/ jquery.validate.js>< / SCRIPT>

    <风格类型=文本/ CSS>

        label.error {颜色:红色; }

        #status {颜色:绿色; }

    < /风格>








                  电子邮件: {

                  电子邮件: {




                变种的电子邮件= $('#邮件)VAL()。

                    网址:reset_ code.php

















               变种的电子邮件= $('#邮件)VAL()。
               变量code = $('#code')VAL()。











                  密码: {




               变种的电子邮件= $('#邮件)VAL()。
               VAR密码= $('#密码)VAL()。
               。VAR确认密码= $('#确认密码)VAL();




                        $('#状态)HTML(密码重置成功继续到< A HREF =的index.php>登录< / A>页);







    < / SCRIPT>

< /头>


    < D​​IV CLASS =about_body>

        < A HREF =的index.php>< IMG SRC =图像/ title_block_logon.png的风格=margin-顶:25像素;保证金底:-10px;/>< / A>&LT ; BR />

        < D​​IV ID =身份级=警戒警报,成功的风格=的margin-top:20px的;宽度:400像素;保证金左:235px;保证金底:30像素;>

            < H4类=警告,标题为>重置您的密码< / H4>

        < / DIV>

        <窗​​体类=形横NAME =email_formID =email_form方法=POST行动=>


                < D​​IV CLASS =控制组的风格=保证金左:230px>

                    <标签类=控制标签>电子邮件< /标签>

                    < D​​IV CLASS =控制align =left>

                        <输入名称=电子邮件ID =电子邮件级=输入大型=文本占位符=输入你的邮箱ID/>

                    < / DIV>

                < / DIV>

                < D​​IV CLASS =控制组>

                    <按钮类型=提交ID =email_send级=BTN BTN-逆提交> GO< /按钮>

                < / DIV>

            < /字段集>

        < /形式GT;

        <窗​​体类=形横NAME =code_formID =code_form的方法=POST行动=>

            < P>输入code收到你的电子邮件和LT; / P>


                < D​​IV CLASS =控制组的风格=保证金左:230px>

                    <标签类=控制标签> code< /标签>

                    < D​​IV CLASS =控制align =left>

                        <输入名称=codeID =code级=输入大型=文本占位符=#####/>

                    < / DIV>

                < / DIV>

                < D​​IV CLASS =控制组>

                    <按钮类型=提交ID =code_send级=BTN BTN-逆提交> GO< /按钮>

                < / DIV>

            < /字段集>

        < /形式GT;


            &其中; TR>

                < TD宽度=60%>

                    <窗​​体类=形横NAME =password_formID =password_form方法=POST行动=>


                            < D​​IV CLASS =控制组的风格=保证金左:90px;>

                                <标签类=控制标签>密码< /标签>

                                < D​​IV CLASS =控制>

                                    <输入名称=密码ID =密码级=输入大型=密码占位符=请输入您的密码的onfocus =Info_Over('#password_on_focus_info')的onblur =Info_Out('# password_on_focus_info')/>

                                < / DIV>

                            < / DIV>

                            < D​​IV CLASS =控制组的风格=保证金左:90px;>

                                <标签类=控制标签>确认密码< /标签>

                                < D​​IV CLASS =控制>

                                    <输入名称=确认密码ID =确认密码级=输入大型=密码占位符=重新输入密码/>

                                < / DIV>

                            < / DIV>

                            < D​​IV CLASS =控制组的风格=保证金左:250像素;>

                                <按钮类型=提交ID =password_send级=BTN BTN-逆提交> CONFIRM< /按钮>

                            < / DIV>

                        < /字段集>

                    < /形式GT;

                < / TD>

                < TD WIDTH =400像素VALIGN =顶的风格=填充右:130px>

                    <跨度ID =password_on_focus_info的风格=显示:无;>


                     < / SPAN>

                < / TD>

            < / TR>

        < /表>

    < / DIV>

< /身体GT;
< / HTML>


您必须使用一个事件对象的事件处理,镀铬的参数和Safari有一个名为事件的事件触发,但Firefox没有,当一个全局事件对象不。因此,事件preventDefault(); 将导致错误



This is my code to reset a user's password incase the user forgets his password. The data is sent to the PHP code via AJAX requests and the PHP code simply echoes a "Y" or "N" depending upon the validity of the inputs.

The problem is, the AJAX calls does not work in Firefox 19 and IE 9. I haven't tried in other versions of IE. The AJAX calls work perfectly in chrome and safari. Has anyone been through the same problem? Can anyone help please?

    <title> Forgot Password? </title>

    <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://jzaefferer.github.com/jquery-  validation/jquery.validate.js"></script>

    <style type="text/css">

        label.error { color: red;  }

        #status { color: green; }







                onkeyup: false,

                rules: {

                  email: {
                    required: true,
                    email: true

                messages: {
                  email: {
                  required: "Please enter your email ID.",
                  email: "Please enter a valid email ID."


            $('#email_send').click(function() {


                var email = $('#email').val();

                    type: "POST",
                    url: "reset_code.php",

                    data: {email: email},
                    cache: false,
                    success: function(response){

                    if(response == "Y")
                        $('#status').html("Check your mail for the reset code.");


                        $('#status').html("Looks like you have entered a wrong email ID.");






                onkeyup: false,

                rules: {

                  code: {
                    required: true,
                    digits: true

                messages: {
                  code: {
                  required: "Please enter the code received in your mail.",
                  digits: "Please enter the code received in your mail."


             $('#code_send').click(function() {


               var email = $('#email').val();
               var code = $('#code').val();

                type: "POST",
                url: "code_verify.php",

                data: {email: email, code: code},
                cache: false,
                success: function(response){

                    if(response == "Y")
                        $('#status').html("Ok, now enter your password twice before you forget again.");

                        $('#status').html("Please enter the code received in your mail.");





                onkeyup: false,

                rules: {

                  password: {
                    required: true,
                    minlength: 8
                  repassword: {
                    required: true,
                    equalTo: "#password"


            $('#password_send').click(function() {


               var email = $('#email').val();
               var password = $('#password').val();
               var repassword = $('#repassword').val();

                    type: "POST",
                    url: "update_password.php",

                    data: {email: email, password: password, repassword: repassword},
                    cache: false,
                    success: function(response){

                    if(response == "Y")

                        $('#status').html("Password reset successful. Proceed to <a href=index.php>login</a> page. ");

                        $('#status').html("Oops. Something went wrong. Try again.");








<body class="oneColElsCtr">

    <div class ="about_body">

        <a href="index.php"><img src="images/title_block_logon.png" style="margin-    top:25px; margin-bottom:-10px;"/></a><br/>

        <div id="status" class="alert alert-success"  style="margin-top:20px; width:400px; margin-left:235px; margin-bottom:30px;">

            <h4 class="alert-heading"> Reset your password </h4>


        <form class="form-horizontal" name="email_form" id="email_form" method="POST" action="" >


                <div class="control-group" style="margin-left:230px">

                    <label class="control-label">Email</label>

                    <div class="controls" align="left">

                        <input name="email" id="email" class="input-large" type="text" placeholder="Enter your Email id"/>



                <div class="control-group">

                    <button type="submit" id="email_send" class="btn btn-inverse submit">GO</button>




        <form class="form-horizontal" name="code_form" id="code_form" method="POST" action="" >

            <p>Enter the code received in your Email</p>


                <div class="control-group" style="margin-left:230px">

                    <label class="control-label">Code</label>

                    <div class="controls" align="left">

                        <input name="code" id="code" class="input-large" type="text" placeholder="#####"/>



                <div class="control-group">

                    <button type="submit" id="code_send" class="btn btn-inverse  submit">GO</button>




        <table style="text-align:left">


                <td width="60%">

                    <form class="form-horizontal" name ="password_form" id="password_form" method ="POST" action ="" >


                            <div class="control-group" style="margin-left:90px;">

                                <label class="control-label">Password</label>

                                <div class="controls">

                                    <input name="password" id="password" class="input-large" type="password" placeholder="Enter your Password" onfocus="Info_Over('#password_on_focus_info')" onblur="Info_Out('#password_on_focus_info')"/>



                            <div class="control-group" style="margin-left:90px;">

                                <label class="control-label">Confirm Password</label>

                                <div class="controls">

                                    <input name="repassword" id="repassword" class="input-large" type="password" placeholder="Re-enter your Password"/>



                            <div class="control-group" style="margin-left:250px;">

                                <button type="submit" id="password_send" class="btn btn-inverse submit">CONFIRM</button>





                <td width="400px" valign="top" style="padding-right:130px">

                    <span id="password_on_focus_info" style="display:none;">

                        Password should be 8 characters or more. Choose a strong password which is a combination of Capital and Small case alphabets, Symbols and Numbers.







You have to use an event object for the parameter of the event handler, chrome and safari has a global event object called event when an event is triggered but firefox does not. So event.preventDefault(); will cause an error.


$('#email_send').click(function(event) {


08-05 18:56