


 var changes = document.getElementsByName(from);
 for (var c=0; c<changes.length; c++) {
   var ch = changes[c];
   var current = new String(ch.innerHTML);


This works fine in FF and Chrome but not in IE7. Presumably because getElementsByName isn't working in IE. What's the best workaround?



In case you don't know why this isn't working in IE, here is the MSDN documentation on that function:

同时支持NAME属性和ID属性的元素都包含在getElementsByName方法返回的集合中,但具有NAME expando的元素不包含在集合中;因此,此方法不能用于按名称检索自定义标签。

Elements that support both the NAME attribute and the ID attribute are included in the collection returned by the getElementsByName method, but elements with a NAME expando are not included in the collection; therefore, this method cannot be used to retrieve custom tags by name.


Firefox allows getElementsByName() to retrieve elements that use a NAME expando, which is why it works. Whether or not that is a Good Thing™ may be up for debate, but that is the reality of it.

所以,一个选项是使用 DOM方法来查询NAME属性,然后测试该值以查看它是否是您想要的,如果是,则将其添加到数组中。然而,这将需要您遍历页面中的所有节点,或至少在一个小节内,这将不是最有效的。您可以通过使用也许。

So, one option is to use the getAttribute() DOM method to ask for the NAME attribute and then test the value to see if it is what you want, and if so, add it to an array. This would require, however, that you iterate over all of the nodes in the page or at least within a subsection, which wouldn't be the most efficient. You could constrain that list beforehand by using something like getElementsByTagName() perhaps.

另一种方法来做到这一点,如果你在控制页面的HTML ,是要给所有感兴趣的元素,这个id只能由数字变化,例如:

Another way to do this, if you are in control of the HTML of the page, is to give all of the elements of interest an Id that varies only by number, e.g.:

<div id="Change0">...</div>
<div id="Change1">...</div>
<div id="Change2">...</div>
<div id="Change3">...</div>


And then have JavaScript like this:

// assumes consecutive numbering, starting at 0
function getElementsByModifiedId(baseIdentifier) {
    var allWantedElements = [];
    var idMod = 0;
    while(document.getElementById(baseIdentifier + idMod)) { // will stop when it can't find any more
        allWantedElements.push(document.getElementById(baseIdentifier + idMod++));
    return allWantedElements;

// call it like so:
var changes = getElementsByModifiedId("Change");


That is a hack, of course, but it would do the job you need and not be too inefficient compare to some other hacks.


If you are using a JavaScript framework/toolkit of some kind, you options are much better, but I don't have time to get into those specifics unless you indicate you are using one. Personally, I don't know how people live without one, they save so much time, effort and frustration that you can't afford not to use one.


09-02 12:39