

我正在开发电影网站.电影的数据是根据电影名称从数据库中检索的.当某些用户单击电影名称链接时,将生成类似"php?moviename = Live Free Die Hard"的网址,并显示与该电影相关的完整信息.我的问题是,我要在电影名称之间使用空格,如果我想根据电影名称获取电影详细信息,则必须在该名称之间使用空格,但这是一种安全的好方法吗?如果不是,我还应该使用其他方式吗?

I am developing a movies website. The data of the movie is retrieved from the database on the base of movie name. When Some user click on the movie name link a url of like this "php?moviename=Live Free Die Hard" is generated and the full information related to that movie is shown. My question is that I am using spaces between the name of the movie which is compulsory if I want to get the movie details on the basis of movie name, But is it a good and secure way? if not, what else way should i use?



08-05 17:55