

本文介绍了如何在 iOS 和 Android 的 React Native 应用程序中检查互联网连接?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个 React Native 应用程序,我正在寻求添加功能,以在应用程序首次启动时检查是否有活动的互联网连接,并在此后不断检查.

I have a React Native application and I'm seeking to add functionality that checks if there is an active internet connection when the app first starts up, and continuously thereafter.

如果没有互联网连接,我试图显示一条消息未检测到互联网连接",并带有一个再试一次"按钮;如果有互联网连接,我正在尝试加载一个页面 (WebView).

If there is no internet connection, I'm seeking to display a message saying "Internet connection not detected" with a button to "Try again"; if there is an internet connection, I'm seeking to load a page (WebView).

我也在寻求同时支持 iOS 和 Android 设备;我已经独立研究过这个,并在 GitHub 上找到了几个库.但是,许多需要在 Android Manifest XML 中添加权限的额外步骤,但是我在我的应用程序中没有看到 Android Manifest XML 文件;为什么只有 Android 需要清单?

I'm also seeking to support both iOS and Android devices; I've researched this independently and have found a couple libraries on GitHub. However, many require an extra step of including a permissions addition in Android Manifest XML, however I don't see an Android Manifest XML file in my app; why does only Android need a manifest?


Any help is appreciated; thanks and take care.


请阅读此https://reactnativeforyou.com/how-to-check-internet-connectivity-in-react-native-android-and-ios/ 链接.>

Please read this https://reactnativeforyou.com/how-to-check-internet-connectivity-in-react-native-android-and-ios/ link.

import React, { Component } from "react";
import { View, Text, Button, Alert, NetInfo, Platform } from "react-native";

export default class componentName extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {};

  CheckConnectivity = () => {
    // For Android devices
    if (Platform.OS === "android") {
      NetInfo.isConnected.fetch().then(isConnected => {
        if (isConnected) {
          Alert.alert("You are online!");
        } else {
          Alert.alert("You are offline!");
    } else {
      // For iOS devices

  handleFirstConnectivityChange = isConnected => {

    if (isConnected === false) {
      Alert.alert("You are offline!");
    } else {
      Alert.alert("You are online!");

  render() {
    return (
          onPress={() => this.CheckConnectivity()}
          title="Check Internet Connectivity"
          accessibilityLabel="Learn more about this purple button"

这篇关于如何在 iOS 和 Android 的 React Native 应用程序中检查互联网连接?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-05 17:51