

本文介绍了返回一个int数组在C ++中的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我目前在C ++的一个4x4矩阵类,我存储每个值作为浮动:

I currently have a 4x4 matrix class in C++ and I store each value as a float:

Matrix4d::Matrix4d(const float& m00, const float& m01, const float& m02, const float& m03,
                   const float& m10, const float& m11, const float& m12, const float& m13,
                   const float& m20, const float& m21, const float& m22, const float& m23,
                   const float& m30, const float& m31, const float& m32, const float& m33)
    _m00 = m00;
    _m01 = m01;
    _m02 = m02;
    _m03 = m03;
    _m10 = m10;
    _m11 = m11;
    _m12 = m12;
    _m13 = m13;
    _m20 = m20;
    _m21 = m21;
    _m22 = m22;
    _m23 = m23;
    _m30 = m30;
    _m31 = m31;
    _m32 = m32;
    _m33 = m33;


My question is, how can I return a float array of this data? I have no problem creating the array in the class for example:

float arrayToReturn[16] = { m00, m01, m02, m03, ... m33 };


However I can not return this value from the class. I've read about returning a pointer to the array, but have had no luck with it.


如果您的内部数组看起来像 int数组这会工作[4] [4]

This would work if your internal array looked like float array[4][4]:

float** Matrix4d::getMatrix();


If your internal array was a one-dimensional array:

float* Matrix4d::getMatrix();


But both cases expose the internal workings of your class to the outside world, with makes your code less safe and harder to maintain.


It would be better to create a copy constructor, a () operator, and an assignment operator for your Matrix4d class and just pass that around. You'd be less likely to have runtime errors due to bad memory management or data corruption.


Your () operator would look like this:

float& operator()( unsigned int xIndex, unsigned int yIndex )
  //return the right attribute


You would call it like this for setting values:

aMatrix(0,0) = 2.0;


float attributeCopy = aMatrix(0,0);


It works both ways.

编辑:忘了 [] 运营商只用了一个参数。改变了运营商的()运营商a.k.a功能运营商。

Forgot that the [] operator only took one argument. Changed the operator to the () operator a.k.a the functional operator.

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08-05 17:37