


Long story short, I'd like some guidance on what's the (best) way to have Haskell work on Archlinux.

通过 work 我的意思是,就 ghci 命令行工具而言,所有安装我没有的软件包-例如 矢量空间 ,其中是我的问题的答案--以及Haskell ostinate学习者可能需要的其他任何东西.

By work I mean all, in terms of the ghci command line tool, installing packages I don't have - such as vector-space, which this answer to a question of mine refers to -, and any other thing that could be necessary to a Haskell ostinate learner.

Haskell上的Archlinux维基页面列出了三个使Haskell正常工作的软件包(替代性软件包).在系统上,分别是 ghc cabal-install stack .我已经在系统上安装了第一个和第三个,但是我认为我必须稍后再安装后者(除非它是对 ghc 的依赖),同时还要进行改动(可能与Vim作为Haskell IDE ).此外,我安装了大量的 haskell-* 软件包(为什么?谁知道?作为一个学习者,我必须多次说过 uh,让我们尝试一下!).

Archlinux wikipage on Haskell lists three (alternative?) packages for making Haskell work on the system, namely ghc, cabal-install, and stack. I have the first and the third installed on my system, but I think I must have installed the latter later (unless it's a dependency to ghc) while tampering around (probably in relation to Vim as a Haskell IDE). Furthermore, I have a huge amount of haskell-* packages installed (why? Who knows? As a learner I must have come multiple times to the point of say uh, let's try this!).

  • 每个软件包都有利弊吗?
  • 它们都可以在有/没有冲突的情况下使用吗?
  • 它们中的任何一个是否都是多余的?
  • 基于我所写的内容,我还有其他应该了解的地方吗?


Arch Linux的选择在其软件包中提供动态链接的库可能会妨碍您开发Haskell代码.作为Arch用户,我的默认建议是完全不使用Arch的Haskell软件包,而是通过 ghcup Stack ,从其指导中开始各个项目页面.

Arch Linux's choice of providing dynamically linked libraries in their packages tends to get in the way if you are looking to develop Haskell code. As an Arch user myself, my default advice would be to not use Arch's Haskell packages at all, and instead to install whatever you need through ghcup or Stack, starting from the guidance in their respective project pages.


08-05 17:05